Alan, you have been most helpful thank you. I really like the idea of the US socket distribution board, that is a no brainer now you've given me the idea.
The Tormach user manual for the machine I am looking at, (770MX), clearly states that no RCD (their US terminology is GFCI for ground fault circuit interrupter) may be in the circuit supplying the machine. This is a common issue with the harmonics from VFD drive circuits causing quite a lot of RFI (interference), and therefore having to have a decent sized RFI/EMI filter on the front end. It is this filter which then sinks the interference to ground causing a 'nuisance' Residual Current Device trip.
The problem lies in the fact that in the UK domestic situation, we really ought to have a RCBO supplying our ring mains. Especially a ring main supplying your tools in your garage!
I think I have found a solution, and maybe this warrants a new thread. We mentioned earlier about autotransformers being your choice. A good choice, they are more efficient and "smaller per kVA" than isolating step down transformers. And clearly this is working for you. However, I am looking at a machine with a slightly bigger spindle power and servo drives on X,Y and Z (I don't know for sure, but I assume the servo drives also have RFI filters so I am potentially looking at much worse fault currents which will trip my mains off) so I really think I need to have the Tormach machine NOT on the RCD circuit just as they suggest in the manual. I figure if I use an isolating step down transformer, with a CTE (centre tapped earth) secondary at 115Vac, and my domestic earth connects all the way through to the transformer, to the Tormach, and to the CTE secondary, then I will have a machine which has earth reference for the filters to function, earth reference so worst case scenario human electric shock to machine metal is 57Vac, and the machine will not in itself have residual current protection (which is good). The rest of my domestic ring main will still be protected by my RCBO at my distribution board, but this is isolated from the Tormach. The Tormach will still produce 'nuisance' earth leakage currents but these will be isolated from my domestic residual current protection because of the transformer NOT being an autotransformer. So I think this is a solution.
For the avoidance of doubt, I have posted this is rather great detail, not to try to sound clever, but to welcome comments and advice from anyone who knows better on this subject. I really want to get this right, and be totally safe in the process. On the other hand, totally happy to be told I am wrong and would love to hear others' input to this issue.
I am looking at RS122-6718 or RS122-6716 which are quite expensive but will be sturdy.
I think there will be a lot more Tormach machines being imported into UK in the future, and the issue of hobbyist customers using domestic mains with RCD devices is going to feature heavily as an issue.
For those looking at the larger machine, the 1100MX, this runs from a 230Vac single phase supply, so no step down required. At first glance, this is without issue! But I think there is an issue in UK domestic homes with normal ring mains protected by RCD devices. Again, my solution would be to use an isolating transformer, but no step down, so 230Vac in, 230Vac out, with centre tapped earth on the secondary in exactly the same way as above.
I think this is really important to keep people safe.
I've written too much. What do others think?