Torx screws


Torx screws

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  • #45867
      I keep losing the tiny Torx screws from my insert tools.
      Does anyone have a source for bulk spares?

        Source sought

        David Clark 13

          Hi there
          think each maker supplies slightly different screws with their tools.
          I suggest you buy the correct screw for the job.
          cheap but usually good quality.

          regards David


            Put candle wax on the end of the torx screwdriver and do not change over a swarf filled tray!!

            David Clark 13
              Hi There
              Use a can of WD40 to blow the swarf out of the screw.
              Magnetise the Torx driver if possible.
              Keep a couple of spares in stock.
              regards David
              Clive Farrar
                Charadam, you are a jinx    I read your post last night and thought why does he need them I,ve never lost one.
                Then I went out to the workshop to look at making a tool holder for some ccmt 11 tips I got by mistake. I found a spare M 2,5 torx X from an SCLR boring bar that I wrecked and set to on the job.  10 minutes later, ping off it went.  An extensive search with a cloth wrapped round a strong magnet failed to find it.
                So now I have the same problem as you. Not easy to find a supplier is it.
                Chronos do them at 85 p each !    so I tried dear old flea bay and at the third search attempt using ” ccmt inserts” I came across a guy    tony4cats selling 10 of the above for £4.75 inc postage.
                So mine are on the way on Monday I hope that is of use to you.
                Make sure you get the right ones as the smaller ccmt tips can use M2 torx.
                Regards Clive

                Edited By Clive Farrar on 24/01/2010 17:38:08


                  A decent fasteners supplier will sell them. Or any engineers supplies  selling tips.  They are not expensive, and I hate to say it, not difficult to come by.

                    If they have a C/S head, beware as it won’t be a standard C/S. You may have to machine it.
                      Regards   Ian
                      Are you sure Ian. The ones I have bought have been bog standard CS Torx, and they fit fine well. They are just a standard Torx screw.
                      They certainly fit the CCMT tips supplied by Chronos, and the Sandvik range, as well as the W six sided negative rake series.  They would because those are all standard ISO sizes, so once you get a fit in one tip, you get a fit in all. Mind you they also fit Stellram tips and those tips are not an ISO tip.
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