Hi All –
I have a 4 jaw chuck (Polish made) that came along with my second hand lathe purchase, however I do not have the correct chuck key for it. From measurement it's a 7mm square key that is required.
Now I do have an imperial chuck key that is a sloppy fit and will sort of do the job but the diameter above the square section is quite large and makes removing the jaws pretty awkward, so I really need a longer and slimmer shank with a 7mm square end. Looking online I could not find a suitably shaped chuck key for sale, so I machined one up from some mild steel bar I had kicking around.
However on first use of tightening the jaws down on a part the square section started to twist, so obviously some stronger material is required.
So my very basic understanding of tool steel (please correct me if I'm wrong) is that it is soft enough to be easily machinable and then by heat treating it becomes much tougher.
However I see there are many different grades available, I'm not sure which would be most suitable for my job – or maybe some other type of steel that does not need heat treatment would be better ?
For information, my only heat source is a bullfinch brazing torch that's running on Propanol (burns a tad hotter than regular propane so I understand). -But I don't have any Oxy, it's Propanol only.
Any pointers or advice gratefully received.
Cheers – Dave.