Posted by derek hall 1 on 08/07/2021 15:26:48:
The thought of going back to fiddling with shims to get a tool up on centre height….urgh! backward step in my opinion.
QCTP works for me if you use it correctly.
And the height adjustment is a bonus from how a QCTP works. The main reason is the Quick Change. Which means having enough holders so that you rarely have to change the tools in them. Which is expensive, but then so is time.
Take a simple top hat bush which needs: the outer diameters turned to size(one tool); two faces(probably the same tool, but could be another); a hole drilled(tailstock, but at least two drill bits); then the hole bored to size(a third tool); all the edges chamfered(one or two tools depending on what you have); and finally parted off. That's at least four tools, which would be tedious for one part if you need to keep changing the tool and shims and resetting distances. But how often do you make one of these things? And what if you start the parting off, then want to swap back to the chamfer tool so they all match?
I did try the fourway tool post, but having sharp tools sticking out in several directions was not appealing. And turning it to the next tool takes a similar amount of time as swapping a QC holder.
I think the QCTP is the best value thing I've bought for the lathe and mill combined, and that includes ER32 chucks for both with square and hex Stevensons Blocks.