Semi interesting one in that we have some bike guys on this board.
Now the Germans have a reputation of engineering, personally I think most of their stuff is over engineered and fussy.
BMW in their infinite wisdom of the twin cylinder boxer engine machine a thread on the alloy cylinder heads for the exhaust nut to screw on and secure the pipe, pretty common but what isn't is they then screw an alloy exhaust nut onto this thread.
Few miles down the road and all comes loose, tighten up and it's all OK, until you come to strip down and it welded itself to the head. The smart mechanics know this and split the nut, clean the thread up and fit a new nut. However if it's been shuffling are the guy doing the job isn't familiar with the self breeding habits of alloy on alloy it rips the thread up on the head. Only way round this according to BMW is to fit a new head.
Well being told there is only one way to do a job is a mortal challenge……….so set the head up on the mill, opposite hand boring bar fitted to the boring head and waz the thread off with a bit of the spigot.
Just started the job on Monday when remembered to get a picture, not that clear but it does have about 1/2 a thread, a bit ripped up on the spigot.
So thread off and reduce the spigot down from 52mm to 46 using the old formulae "If it looks right"
So now had to leave it as when I checked up I'd no bronze in stock so ordered some Monday dinnertime.
Bronze came today from Leeds Bronze [ no connection other than a customer ] and they have a £30 minimum order now but that's not too bad as bronze is expensive. Ordered 12" and it had to be charged out at £30 minimum but if I had 15" it was still £30, so we had 15" which is fantastic value seeing as many on-line metal suppliers charge from £15 to £25 PER INCH.
This is what £30 worth of bronze looks like.
That's cored bronze BTW 58mm OD and 40mm ID.
Turn it down to 52mm and belt a length of 2mm pitch thread on so got some future spares and these are always ongoing.
Part a slice off and bore out and now got a ring ready to be wormed up and shrunk and pressed on.
Then belt and braces, drill 4.2 mm and tap 'nearly' thru with M5 tap. Screws two brass screws in, cut off and clean up with a thread file to pin the sleeve.
Just possible to see one of the screws where the felt tip blob is, other one still not cut off but basically job finished.
Another happy camper.