Answers in some semblance of order – i think.
Les looks like that doesn't it but it does run concentric. Only answer I have is You tube came up with an option because it has recognised shake and did I want it to correct it ? Guessing it was the dial gauge movement but I said yes and this is the result. Need to look at the original video on the camera card to check.
Michael, think the tips and kit have been covered in previous posts, noting special at all.
Brian, I start off slow and do a bit one side, then the other, rotating by hand as I go to try and keep the pull even.
Go as fast as I can as I want as much heat into the weld as possible because when it is put back in the lathe in soft jaws and steady and centres it has the maximum support and the lathe is run at about 100 revs [ not critical just need to keep rubbing speed down on a hot shaft with the steady.]
The gradual cooling whilst running in line performs the stress relief or that's the way I see it.
With MiG welding there is no flux but you get an oxide layer on the top of the weld and you often see this flaking off as it cools which I put down to the stress's working out ? Not sure if this is true, I'm no rocket scientist, but it seems to work for me.
End of the day some of these jobs are bodges forced on us by cost / time restraints and lack of spares. In this case the proper answer would have been to press the shaft out and make a new shaft. However unlike AC rotors you cannot press the shaft out of a DC motor without wrecking the windings as the laminations are separate to the comm and it just squashes the windings up. The windings in this case are not wire but strip which has to be folded to shape. Not many rewinders have the facility to do this and most send away to specialised companies to have this done and so cost and time again come into it.
The rewinding companies that can pull repair jobs off like this, [ remember no one knows who I am, as far as the customer is concerned it's the rewind company pulling rabbits out the hat, they get all the praise ] manage to get good working relations with the customer. Most of these companies are household names and their maintenance department is also accountable and pulling a rabbit out the hat ticks everyone's boxes which means more work, a better working relationship and another sixpence at Christmas.