Today’s problem


Today’s problem

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  • #742585
    Michael Callaghan

      Hi, today I took a look at the Dyak loco. On putting the boiler under a bit of pressure I found water begaining to fill the smokebox. Water was coming from the blast pipe. Not a great idea I feel. So is this a simple job of blanking off the cylinders to test the boiler, or is there a great problem. There are no drain cocks on this model.
      any help would be good. Thanks in advance


        Check your regulator valve it may not be sealing and passing water to the cylinders.

        Just a thought.

        Speedy Builder5

          Is the water coming from the blower nozzle. Of course, it should be steam.How good is the blower valve and is it leaking.

          You say you are putting the boiler under pressure. Are you pressure testing with the boiler full of water and using the hand pump ?

          A bit more info needed please.

          Michael Callaghan

            Hi. Thanks for replying. I am putting the boiler under pressure using an outside pump feeding into the boiler through the safety valve entry. On a bit of further playing around water is only coming out of the blast pipe through the cylinders. As MichaelR stated it looks like a regulator seal at fault. However I have no information on the regulator fitted to the Dyak. Is it just fitted to the back head, how is it removed and how do I test and correct the seal. Thanks


              You really need to get hold of some drawings for the engine to see how the regulator is fitted, if you look at this website Link there is a article showing the removed Dayak regulator it may give you the help you need.

              the regulator seems to be fitted at the back head and the front tube plate, runs the full length of the boiler (I think)


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