To Web Master


To Web Master

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  • #42077
    Ian Abbott
      Sat here typing for half an hour, working out a posting.
      When I hit add posting, it logged me out and dumped the post.
      That’s the second time that’s happened.
      David Clark 13
        Hi There
        Write the post, copy it before saving and then when it logs out,
        you can log back in and post it.
        Been there, done that several times.
        regards David
        Ian Abbott
          Hi David,
          I usually do compose off line, but y’know what it’s like, you’re just going to write a couple of lines, get carried away………
          I should do a quick select and copy, but there go the senior moments again… my wife worries….
            Or, a wild revolutionary thought here, just fix the software so it does what the users want rather than what some programmer thought would be clever.
            A firm believer that these things should serve us not vice versa.
            Michael Gray

              Hi, I’m using Firefox 3.0.11 under Ubuntu 8.04 and still having some problems with the right-hand side ads overlapping text as in:


              Have spent a couple of hours browsing the site and enjoying it in its infancy.  Nitpicking:  its as in “belonging to it”
                                  it’s as in “it is”

              Apologies for the pedantry, former school teacher, now serving a novitiate as machinist.
              all the best, Mike in BC

              Jim Whetren
                I have had a bit of trouble when I attempted to add my last two postings.
                When I clicked Add Posting, there was a message stating to log on to use this. Strange, as I must have been logged on to write anything in the text box.
                My account was active in the top LH box of the page but I returned to my account page which was OK. When I returned to the original page, the text had gone.
                I have tried to log on straight away from the Home Page and also from the thread I was trying to reply to, but the problem occured on two different days.
                As with all things computer, the next time all worked fine, but it is frustating to lose all the text if it does occur. I will do with this note what I now do, and that is paste it into Notepad, just in case.
                Other than that, great website.
                John Stevenson 1
                  Can you do something about the flashing adverts on the side, either get them to merge or give them more time before they change.
                  They are really infuriating and degrade the site even the dog is having epileptic fits and I have to keep throwing him in the bath with the washing.
                  John s.

                  Edited By John Stevenson on 03/08/2009 00:00:15

                    HI John
                    I can’t do anything about this myself as these are controlled by the advertising team.
                    However, I will pass your comments on and see if anything can be done about it
                      Hi Keith, that goes for the Yorkshire pi– too, it’s an age thing, at least they warn you on the Tele when the flashing lights come on. And to all the unwashed out there that loose postings when you click enter, — init darned annoying?? Done it so many times on other fori, Ctrl-c just comes naturally now. You KNOW it makes sense.
                         Regards  Ian
                        Keith and David, you’re doing a fantastic job despite what you may think by SOME of the comments, sadly one of the downsides to a website is that it gives some the ability to moan faster.
                            Nil Illigitum Lads.
                            Regards  Ian.
                          Hi Keith et al,
                          Have you noticed that the “MyHobbyStore” adverts down the right side don’t flash?
                          Does this tell you anything?
                          Well it’s not flashing is it, it’s changing the view, so as to get more info into the same space.
                          I’ll get this right eventually

                          Edited By Robbo on 08/08/2009 21:45:58

                          Edited By Robbo on 08/08/2009 21:48:01

                          David Clark 13
                            Hi There
                            I will update the front page with the magazine on.
                            I have had a bad ear infection for 10 days making it hard to concentrate on work and I had to finish the special as well.
                            regards David
                            Ian S C

                              Had a couple of times when writing a reply,go to post it only to find that although I logged in to start with,i’m no longer logged in.I then have to start all over,Last time it took three goes,I’m proberbly doing something wrong,but it does annoy a bit.

                              David Edwards 2
                                I attempted to order some back issues of MEW.  Whilst trying
                                to complete the order, there was no way to specify an issue.
                                Also, the was no listing of back issues available.
                                Please help.  I am ready to place an order.
                                  Hi David,
                                  You need to contact myhobbystore website….. slightly different to this one and outside my are of expertise
                                  David Clark 13
                                    Hi There
                                    There is a space to fill issues in.
                                    There is a comments box where you can enter the numbers of the issues you want.
                                    regards david
                                      Hi David Edwards2.    Using the MyHobbyStore website, there is no list of back issues available.   You just order  ?no of back issues and tell them the numbers in the comment box, as David Clark 1 says.      If they are not available you will get an email offering you copies of specific articles copied from the master copy.    Then it’s best to phone/they will phone and you can sort it out that way.    May be best to phone in the first place, indeed, if you like talking to charming ladies then this is the way to go.
                                      Sexist? – not me.
                                           I have just tried to enter the back issues area only to be told that its for subscribers only
                                        I have been a subscriber for a number of years
                                        I entered my details including the subscription number when I first joined the web site, so why won’t it let me in?
                                        Looking at the box where you enter your number – it doesn’t let you enter the full number and so I have left off the first couple of zero’s
                                        any help please
                                          Sorry but just one other point
                                          under my name what does it mean “set a status”?
                                          David Clark 13
                                            Hi There
                                            Enter the 8 digit code where the ***** are.
                                            Ignore the 2 leading00s and everything from the R inclusive
                                            00********R MEW153

                                            In other words enter the numbers where the
                                            regards David
                                              Ok now I’m confused
                                              I typed in the 8 digit number in the box maked Subscrition number for MEW as I do not subscribe to the other one
                                              I typed just the 8 numbers missing off the first 2 zero’s it won’t allow any more digits to be typed
                                              saved it and it didn’t make the blind bit of difference
                                              David Clark 13
                                                Hi There
                                                Email me your subscriber number and name and postcode and I will get it checked on Monday.
                                                regards David
                                                  Although I had entered my subscriber number when the website first started, I could’nt  access the back issues when they were put on.    When I went back to personal details and entered the number again then it worked fine.
                                                  Ian S C

                                                    Old Lathe,Chuck accuracy.This is in the workshop Tools and Tooling section.It has no posting box,the site bottoms out after the third reply.Ian S C

                                                    Les Jones 1
                                                      Re Ian S C’s report of the problem with the “Old lathe chuck” posting.
                                                      I could read it (Or part of it.) using Firefox 3.5.7 but not with IE8 or Opera.
                                                      I tried adding another reply using Firefox. With Firefox I could see this reply but with IE8 I could not. (I did not try using Opera as this is on a different plug in disk drive.) I suspect
                                                      there is some hidden character in the third reply that is causing the problem.
                                                      I think if the web master could delete this reply it may solve the problem.
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