Thanks Chuck,
For me, this business of clock making has generated several other instances which could attract embarrassment. Again, they have required wandering through the ladies departments. While making hair-springs, I had planned on dissolving super glue with nail-polish remover. So where would you get that stuff? As it turned out, the chemical action was not as brisk as I wanted.
I also wanted a pair of special eyebrow tweezers, with broad flat jaws. It took ages wandering back and forth until I found just the right sort.
The tips of these were to be modified so that I could squeeze tapered dowel-pins into place, or by reversing the tweezers, the pins could be extracted. I had already appropriated a pair of tweezers from SWAMBO, and altered them for bending the hair-spring of the clock.
The only thing more embarrassing, is dropping a 12BA x 3mm long brass screw on the garage floor, when I don’t have a replacement.
More fun,