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  • #678072

      If anyone is using this in a serious way what is your most complex design?
      At the G1 AGM a couple of weeks ago someone suggested this so I gave it a go. It is extremely easy to pick up and also (I think) extremely limited as it seems to be aimed at an children’s intro to CAD and potentially 3D printing. Hence my initial question.

      No this is not yet another request for suggested packages (I normally use FreeCAD).

      Oh I also found it is limited to 39in max size so didn’t quite work for my test of drawing a shed.

      Lee Cooper

        I know I’m very late to the party mate, but my 2 cents as someone who was interested in TinkerCAD from an ease of use perspective – I didn’t bother in the end because I read several comments from various users who essentially said it’s very good for simple stuff but you quickly run into the limitations with more complex projects. I decided to go the FreeCAD route like yourself because I prefer to learn one tool with more potential – but it has to be said I find FreeCAD a little headache inducing at times.

        Robert Murray Smith on Youtube uses TinkerCAD (exclusively?) for his 3D printed projects and does quite a lot.


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