There is no "One size fits all"
Often the Inlet Valve timing is about 5 – 10 degrees btdc to start opening, and closed by about 5 – 20 degrees abdc.. Exhaust Valve timing is going to be about 5 – 10 degrees bbdc opening and closing about 5 degrees atdc.
Optimum valve timings will depend upon the Induction and Exhaust systems, and the speed at which the engine is required to run.
Ignition timing is likely to be about 5 – 10 degrees btdc, depending upon compression ratio, and speed required of engine. The timing at which it starts may not be the optimum for high speed running, (and the latter will depend on the applied load, because of ignitition delay within the cylinder, and the in cylinder residual temperature after combustion. For a given speed, combustion temperatures will be higher on full load than on light load.)
The component design and manufacture should be such that having set one cylinder "correctly" the other will function in the same manner. Being a doom monger, with identical settings, this may not mean that both cylinders will sound/perform the same, because the Induction and exhaust systems may cause differences in the mixture distribution.
(Once, I came across a V8 which was down on power and sounded rough. The silencer, common to both banks, had lost a baffle for one bank, so that the back pressures and pulses were different between the banks. Fitting an undamaged silencer solved the problem)
Hope that all this rambling is some help.
Edited to remove double negative!
Edited By Howard Lewis on 23/01/2018 22:29:44