No complaints here with either delivery or content. I prefer reading paper to a computer screen and am happy to wait for the postal service to deliver. Issues don't arrive at a precise time, so I don't get into a froth at the first sign of trouble. With one exception, the magazines have always turned up early and late. The exception was when the Royal Mail lost an entire pallet full of magazines destined for a blob of the South West covering parts of Somerset, Wiltshire, Dorset and Hampshire. Gosh it was exciting!
I don't get quite the same thrill from ME and MEW as I did when the hobby was all new and shiny to me, but both mags usually contain a few treats and every so often an edition arrives that must have been written specially for me! I guess some unlucky folk occasionally get mags with nothing in 'em. But this is down to taste and changing interest. I don't buy magazines unless they keep me happy – it's a personal choice. Jeff Dayman recommends 'Engineering in Miniature' instead – fine publication I know, but it's not my cup of tea. I've tried it!
Delivery is another issue entirely. The postal service I get is excellent – very few delays and stuff going missing is almost unknown. Not everyone is so lucky. A friend in Thailand says less than half his mail gets to him! Whether it's fair to blame MyTimeMedia or 'the New Gang' for poor delivery is a moot point, especially now. Having been involved in a few mergers and major reorganisations myself, I recommend cutting the new gang some slack. If it can go wrong, it will.
Just a fun observation: my job was so skilled and enormously difficult it's amazing how brilliantly I performed; I deserved a medal. Your job would have been done better by a demented chimp and there would be no problems if only you pulled your finger out and stopped being a total plonker; your kind deserve a good thrashing. I put it to the jury that both perceptions are wrong!
And COVID is still causing lots of workforce disruption, even though us pensioners fink it should all be over by now. It isn't…
