Time for a rest; the Toolmaker’s ‘Chair’


Time for a rest; the Toolmaker’s ‘Chair’

Home Forums Suggested Online Resources Time for a rest; the Toolmaker’s ‘Chair’

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  • #637716
    Andre ROUSSEAU
      Andre ROUSSEAU

        An uncommon Edge-Finding technique…

        Neil Lickfold

          I have never needed the chair style edge finding device. Always found otherways of picking up an edge. I did make a cylinder that was 40mm in diameter, and 20mm to centre off a 90deg edge. Very useful for picking the edge of an inclined block that needs a detail in place.

          John Reese

            Use of the toolmaker's chair allows one to locate on an edge much more precisely than by use of an edge finder. I have the chair but rarely use it, preferring the ease of use of the conventional edge finder.

            Neil Lickfold

              I use a finger dial indicator and a piece of plate. It is as accurate as the indicator and user are.

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