Is the vice from MM their Clark CTV25B in which case it is very similar, if not identical, to the vice in issue 12 which was an article of mine. In those days the editor was not allowed to give his name as the author.
However, I am, having now ceased writing for the magazine, started adding to my website a large number of my articles written over the twenty years( about 40 already). I have though started with more recent ones where I have used digital photographs as I have disposed of the prints I had previous to this. 2000 prints was far to many to search through as I had never indexed them.
If you need more info than is on the sine vice thread I will consider adding my article within the next few days. Due to the problems of the pictures, and I also have a problem using my DOS based text files, I may chose to add it to a temporary web site that I use if I am not happy with result. In this case leaving it there for couple of months.
If you indicate you are interested then I will proceed and when available I will post the address here.
Incidentally, it is quite a large task as it is necessary for all the important surfaces to be correctly positioned in relation to the pivot pin.
Anyone interested in my recent additions could look at
and Processes