Jaws are in the correct slots, & each is marked with same number, but I've no way of telling that these are the jaws that belong to the chuck as there is no ref. number on the chuck body.
Jaws & screws are, of course hardened, but chuck body is not. There are 10 mating surfaces between each jaw & chuck body, so 40 closely machined surfaces have to match to close tolerances. Jaws & screws have been tried separately -sometimes I can slide jaws to & fro without much effort, & if screws are removed these will also tighten up about 3/4 of the way. Jaws have been tried both ways around with similar results.
Finally, there is no evidence of swarf, & everything has been given a good brushing out with a stiff, new round glue brush & plenty of WD40.
Thanks for all comments & suggestions – I'll just keep persevering.