What better way to start the New Year with a newly completed engine
As you may have seen in the Workshop Progress thread I have been physically working on this engine since the end of July, prior to that I made my own set of drawings based on photos taken of an example in a museum and a few others found on the web. As the museum photos came via a Member of ME forum and the Editor acted as go between I feel its only right that I do the full build for Model Engineer but thought I would share a few quick photos of the engine that I finished putting together this morning.
This if the first engine that I have designed from the ground up, others have just been enlarged and enhanced versions of someone else's design. It certainly offers new challenges and is more satisfying to do this way and I can see me doing more of the same.
Apart from a bought in flywheel casting its all fabricated. I also used e-bay gears as at £6.35GBP the pair it just was not worth buying gcutters and materals, governor balls also off e-bay.
I still need to play with the governor a bit as it jumps about at low reves but it is fully working and will keep the speed down to what I have set it at, going to run it in some more and adjust the bearings, big end, gland packing etc as they all bed in.
Big thanks to David Owen for his photos and Diane Carney for her input.
Happy new Year, Jason