I thought that I would give an update on this thread.
A few weeks ago I decided that as it is Winter I would commence the strip-down of my 250 Ducati engine, as I knew that the bottom camshaft drive bevel gears were badly chipped and I had managed to find a good used pair as a replacement; unfortunately to do this the crankshaft has to be removed, which is a pain. Thus I needed to finally make the flywheel extractor that I asked about at the start of this thread.
I had some mild steel round bar which I turned down to 33 mm, but I happened to come across a 33 x 1 die on eBay very cheap! So I bought it and luckily found someone selling a cheap used die holder (which was obviously almost new). I bored the id of the steel to fit over the end of the crankshaft, parted it off, drilled and tapped a hole for a fine thread 12 mm bolt and used the die to thread the end to 33 x1. It wasn’t pretty, but it worked, the flywheel came off much easier than expected, so I was pretty pleased with myself.
After stripping the engine it was obvious that it was not in such good condition as it had appeared – there was a lot of rust evident, probably from being laid up for years before I bought it, and a couple of the bearings were pitted, so it made sense to change them all, then after that it made sense to have the roller big-end apart to check the condition of that as it was almost 45 years old. Unfortunately the two local firms that I would have used were both out of the question, one because the owner is in hospital, and the other because it has changed hands and has gained a poor reputation. So as I had to send the crank away, it made sense to send it to the best, Lacey Ducati in Wales.
The big-end was found to be rusty too, so a new one was fitted and the crankshaft returned to me, and I am now in the process of putting the bottom end together, and I hope that after careful assembly it will be better than new. After this I will have to think about doing the 350, and I will be needing to ask for some more engineering advice from this forum!
Thank you to all those who offered advice on making the extractor.