Eric, Jeff Dayman had it just about right in his first post. There is a set of specialist threads specifically known as ME (Model Engineers) threads which have a fixed pitch across all diameters in which they are available.
These allow for finer work on small components than the normal imperial threads allowed. The pitches are 26, 32 and 40 tpi. and are available in a range of diameters. For example on a short steam gland, say 5/16 diameter using a Whitworth fine you would get very few threads whereas using 32 or 40 tpi would ensure good thread engagement.
So if this is the case on the drawings and you see these pitches e.g 3/16 x 32 tpi then the odds are it is an ME thread. Sets are available from most good tool suppliers who deal with model engineers such as Arc Eurotrade, Chronos and RDG. Look here for the specs and range available:
Of course American threads are a different thing, but if it is ME threads that are being referred to there is no need to refer to any tables.
By the way, you get used to ‘the colonials’ type comments, just ignore them.