Update complete.
I have also added a little program to create a toolpath to machine lithophanes from any bitmap image, too. The 'Heightmap Generator' plugin in CamBam was a little erratic & if I'd not checked the code produced, then I would have ended up machining the bed of my CNC machine. I found I was having to edit the toolpath for every new lithophane, which was tedious.
The Lithophane Generator I've written shouldn't need any editing, and because it uses rapid feed over blank areas of the picture, can be quicker than the output from CamBam.
I've used the program to create a 9" x 5.5" Lithophane, and the gentleman who received it was cock-a-hoop because it was such an unusual present. Anyone with a cnc mill, some machining time, and a bit of translucent Perspex can create one, only having to buy a £5 for 2 ball nose 2mm diameter end mill (dare I say, from China?). Link for these programs:
If anybody is interested, I have also written a program to take a G Code file and convert all arcs into short straight lines. This is a first step before producing a wrapper program. I had thought the wrapper program was complete, but discovered a few bugs that I'm fixing at the moment, and they are taking longer than I had anticipated. Ah well.