The ME 40 tpi thread is only 0.016" deep, so will strip if asked to drag a Tailstock along the lathe bed.
You need a Tailstock Die Holder, where the Die Holder can slide along an arbor.
I did have a problem, where the Die had been marked on the wrong side, so what seemed to be the front had no lead in chamfer.
For the very same reason, I made a similar device, using ER25 Collets, to hold Taps. It has the advantage that the Tap slips in the Collet rather than breaking if the going gets tough!
It goes without saying that a lubricant such as Rocol RTD, Trefolex or something similar should be used.
Unless you make several passes, tightening the Die each time, cutting a thread in one pass is a pretty hard task for the tooling. After all, we use three Taps, 1st, 2nd and Bottoming, to cut an internal thread.
Why does predictive spelling think that it knows better?
Edited By Howard Lewis on 28/11/2020 17:02:09