Just out of curiousity, I did a check on how many people who visit our website use Opera. In persentage terms, it came out at about 2.85%.
We are in the process of updating our website. Before it goes live, one of the things we are checking is how our new site performs or reacts on different operating systems. Unfortunately, advancements in certain areas are proving to be a real pain in the a** in other areas.
Most of the Opera users who visit our current site are using v.11.64. We may or may not test our new site on this version, but the way things are going, if our site does not perform 'that well' on Opera, we might just have to 'let it not work well' on Opera. It is not a great decision, because even 2.85% is a good number of visitors (figure I cannot specify due to commercial reasons).
So, I guess that the techies of this forum must be facing similar problems, and they too have to make similar decisions.
Ketan at ARC.