Hi, thanks for all the replies, and yes magpie at least 30, but saying that a few here I have not seen. The idea was to find out if people agreed that may be a new post under a heading of where to start would be a good idea? sorry for any confusion.
I have noticed a few threads asking questions about problems that in a lot of cases relate back to the initial installation of the machine be it lathe, mill or what ever. So I thought a section showing how to set a machine to run true not just level and above all safe would be good for beginners and old dogs a like, so say you buy the new machine you have wanted for the past 30 years this could show you the way.
Going off a few replies it looks like a few are in agreement, thanks Thor, Michael to name two. This could be a good reference for everyone.
One last point I am in total agreement with Bob and others that the search box is almost useless, hard to find anything unless you know what you are looking for, then why search? this must be frustrating for anyone wasting what can be hours searching for things that google can find on here quicker.
Anyway thanks for taking time responding to this and maybe something for Neil to think about, thanks in advance Neil if you do.
Edited By matt sw on 25/09/2014 17:14:21