6 January 2024 at 18:31 JasonB Said:
It seems to be taking a lot of Fullness this time, still not showing for me.
Nor me, when my missing images have eventually appeared, it’s been minutes, at most maybe an hour or so, rather than days.
I’m not sure this proves anything at all, but I was just having a look at two adjacent posts, one with an image showing, and Michael’s where they don’t; Really I suppose it’s just showing the page how to display.
This is from Inspect Element in Opera.
I’m not really familiar with coding, but it’s noticeable that on Harry’s post, the internal URL of the image includes the post number.

Whereas in Michael’s, and presumably mine, it just shows temp

I did try copying the URL, and replacing “temp” with the post number, but that didn’t work

When I tried with the URL from Harry’s post, the image displayed fine.
The errant .jpg (yf7ckxye4i63f7cxcopau7fgfhh69u8z.jpg) might be hiding somewhere on the server, but I wouldn’t know how to search for it.
Back to an earlier post; would it be appropriate to amend the title of this topic, so visitors don’t keep seeing the Worst Site comment?