this is the worst site possible


this is the worst site possible

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions this is the worst site possible

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  • #704660
    Harry Wilkes

      Bill I haven’t seen the option to change the wrap options hence my question could the wrap position be changed will have another try later


        On Harry Wilkes Said:


        Jason using my table I was able to do what you suggested and move the image up and add text but couldn’t resize image it seemed to have will of it own


        Harry, from my previous experiments, you can’t resize the image after, or during uploading to this forum.
        If you want a smaller image you need to resize before uploading; personally I use Faststone Image Viewer.

        On a full widescreen monitor, the display width is limited to 1000 pixels, this reduces pro-rata as you narrow a window, or view on a tablet or phone.

        Also, if you upload a large image, the forum resizes it, and also reduces the dpi to save storage space.
        As I recall, however large the image is that you upload, the maximum saved is 1200 pixels (I think it’s 96dpi, but can’t remember for now)

        Even though the forum stores it at 1200 pixels, the maximum displayed in post is 1000, but also viewable at 1200 if you click on the image.

        In the photos I posted earlier, both the Zoll micrometer and the max-min thermometer were 200 pixels wide before I uploaded them.

        Also, the edit pane is narrower than the final display window, so that a 1200 wide image (or 1000 for that matter) overlaps the right hand side of the edit pane, which is rather misleading. My earlier screenshots do show the whole image in the edit pane, but that;s only because the original is 200 pixels wide, and I was using a full widescreen monitor.

        From what I can make out, your own image is 1155 x 787 pixels, so the displayed size will be 1000 wide, on a monitor.
        On my Google Pixel 3 phone I think it shows as 400 wide in portrait mode and 800 wide in landscape.
        No idea how it shows on an Android  tablet or an Apple device.



          Peak, that small image I tried to wrap was uploaded as a large one, clicked it and I was able to drag the corners or edges and that is how I made it small not by uploading a small image

          Below is the same file inserted twice, first just left as it cam in, second clicked and drgaged to a smaller size

          clip 2

          clip 2

          Michael Gilligan
            On Peter Greene Said:
            On Michael Gilligan Said:

            For Harry & Jason

            I think this illustrates the problem when composing on the iPad ….

            I’ve never tried inserting an image on the iPad, so by all means tell me to sod off and that I don’t know what I’m talking about but: …

            There is no need for me to do that, Peter … Jason [and the Dog]demonstrated my error, and I checked.

            The apparent problem was that the iPad keyboard goes AWOL when the big image is displaying [and without a keyboard, it’s “rather difficult” to do as you suggest] … BUT it is actually possible, to do as Jason described. … There’s just very little indication that one is doing something right !!


            Michael Gilligan

              For what it’s worth … I have just grabbed Harry’s last two pictures on the iPad and am posting screenshots with the information displayed.

              My screenshots are 2048×1536 … so that should give us some reference dimensions to juggle with.



              Michael Gilligan


                Attempting to edit that last post … to insert some space between the two images … utterly defeated me.


                  On JasonB Said:

                  Peak, that small image I tried to wrap was uploaded as a large one, clicked it and I was able to drag the corners or edges and that is how I made it small not by uploading a small image

                  Below is the same file inserted twice, first just left as it cam in, second clicked and drgaged to a smaller size



                  Cheers Jason that’s interesting, when I originally tried to do that in the test images thread a month or two ago, I couldn’t get it to re-size by dragging the corners.

                  For me also, your earlier experiment only shows like this;

                  I’ve now dragged the corner of that screenshot narrower than the editing pane to 600 wide, and it appears to have worked.
                  Lets see what happens when I submit.

                  Edit, now inserted the screenshot again; but this time changed its size with the align right icon ticked whilst re-sizing



                    On Harry Wilkes Said:

                    Jason I cant push it up a bit my problem insert text after inserting a image is with my laptop I hit the return key and the cursor can not be seen bcls_logo_new colour Ive just tried inserting a small image 200×200 and as you can see it’s not inserted it’s self under some of my text rather than below, so I,m now wondering if my problem is down to ‘wrap’ is it possible to adjust the ‘wrap’ and if so how ?



                    Harry, Please accept my apologies for misleading you regarding the re-sizing and inserting of fixed image sizes.
                    Last time I tried it, I couldn’t re-size within the compose pane, but it now works.

                    Similarly as you’ve spotted, you can now insert an image within a section of text, but it looks like it’s only that one line, where the cursor sits, which word wraps.
                    I’m still playing, but it looks like when you change the width of a window, either by dragging it narrower on a monitor, or viewing on a phone/tablet, the forum might display a re-sized image automatically, according to the display window size.

                    Also, in order to leave the text readable, as a window width changes, then the text wrapping adapts to the display window size. i.e. two lines of text in a widescreen window may become four as the window narrows.
                    This does seem to have an effect on the positioning of the image, as it’s tied to where the cursor was in the line of text, so as the word-wrap changes, so does the image position.

                    Compare the image in your quoted text above, the original posting, and this screenshot, where I’ve split the screen, which effectively narrows the display window.

                    Black Country

                    It’s now moved to the very right hand side.

                    Note also, that in your original post, it’s the top of the image with the word wrapping, but in the edit pane, even in your quoted post, it’s the bottom of the image with word wrapping




                    Nicholas Farr

                      Hi MichaelG, I tried doing his yesterday, but the missing robot tick box prevented me from logging in on my phone. So this is to see if I can add text after an image, using my Android phone in landscape.


                      The image is irrelevant, but it does span the whole width of my screen. However, after the image load’s, my keypad is shown over the top, but I was able to put it into what my phone calls floating at the start of my typing, the disadvantage though, it’s a small square one, which is just a bit smaller than half the width of my screen and so all the characters are small, which in turn made me miss some as I was typing. But all I did was hit the return on the keypad after the image had loaded, and just carried on typing.

                      Regards Nick.

                      P.S. I can see how that pop up Warco add annoys everyone when using a phone.


                        Not just the phone, I found the same when using the ipad yesterday.

                        Michael Gilligan
                          On Nicholas Farr Said:

                          … However, after the image load’s, my keypad is shown over the top, but I was able to put it into what my phone calls floating …

                          Thanks, Nick ; but this highlights something I have been banging on about:

                          Different devices and operating systems behave differently

                          and it is the site’s responsibility to make sure that it’s code is usably compatible with a reasonable range of devices, operating systems, and user ability levels



                            Can the name of this thread be changed? I find it rather offensive that my favourite forum keeps having this come up. Not good PR.

                              On Bazyle Said:

                              Can the name of this thread be changed? I find it rather offensive that my favourite forum keeps having this come up. Not good PR.

                              I’d go along with that; I was wary of posting my replies on it for the very reason you mention, and only did so as they followed directly from comments on it.
                              Renamed and moved to Comments & Test threads might be appropriate, The trouble is that none of the developers seem to have time to visit there either.

                              Our own two replies will promote the topic up the forum again. ho hum.


                              John Hinkley

                                Re: the problem with inserting text after a photo:

                                Have you (collectively) tried either resizing the photo after its insertion using the corner handles so that there is white space between it and the right-hand edge of the reply panel and putting in a new line before entering more text?  The photo can be resized to regain its original size if required afterwards.

                                OR inserting three new lines where the photo is to be placed, then clicking on the middle blank line and inserting the photo there?  Alternately, type all the text you intend to post, leaving suitable gaps for the insertion of photos, and put them in at the end.

                                I don’t know whether that would work on a phone; I can’t read the site on a screen that small!



                                Nicholas Farr

                                  Hi MichaelG, understood.

                                  Regards Nick.

                                  Harry Wilkes

                                    this is a test image


                                    Ok this time using my linux laptop I was able to resize the image (which I couldn’t do last night using my samsung tablet) and also I was given the choice of word wrap which i’m very happy with but at the same time hoping it’s going to stay consistent as up to now is differed each time I’ve time. Later i’ll see if I can repeat my success on my table.


                                    Michael Gilligan

                                      I will just try a quick demonstration of the initial difficulty with the iPad:

                                      Here is an over-sized image in a rather small composition pane:

                                      .. with no keyboard in sight



                                      Scrolling up, and selecting the single blank line [with no visible cursor] below the image then pops-up the keyboard.






                                      … and this ^^^ is what I was inserting



                                      Harry Wilkes

                                        Micheal I do not have an iPad by I tried using my iPhone I dont know if my results were ‘apple’ or down to using a phone. I inserted a line of text dropped the cursor down and added image when I tried to resize the image I couldn’t so I hit enter with the black line to the left of the image the image disappeared tried 3 more times same result 🙁


                                        Nicholas Farr

                                          Hi MichaelG, your images are not showing, all I see are little boxes with IMG_xxxx, x’s are different numbers for each image.

                                          Regards Nick.

                                          Michael Gilligan

                                            We should get there in time, Nick

                                            … it’s happened before



                                              Cat among pigeons time.

                                              Reading all “this worst site possible” and  “comments on the new software threads” my opinion is that apart from the site disappearing for longer than was expected and returning with problems most of these threads extreme length seems to be caused by the impatience of users.

                                              Once a problem has been identified and hopefully noted by the sites administration would it not be best to let them get on with repairing shortcomings.

                                              My own experience of the site and forum has been quite decent pre and post software change

                                              Just to let anyone interested know, my computer is an eighteen year old laptop running Linux Mint running with an adblocker (me bad), speed of site working appears the same with adblocker off whether logged in or not.

                                              When I read of Iphones, Ipads and Windoze having multiple problems I have to feel slightly smug on not keeping up with technology as we up in my end of the country are still using copper wires.

                                              Best sign out before I write something that might annoy


                                              Maurice Taylor

                                                Hi, Test image


                                                Ipad 9th gen



                                                Grindstone Cowboy

                                                  Just thought I’d try inserting an image copied from Facebook. If it works, you may find it amusing, but honestly, it’s a serious test



                                                  Grindstone Cowboy

                                                    Well that didn’t work!

                                                    I’ll try it the proper way


                                                    Edit – so that’s the way to do it. I saved image to my hard drive, then drag and dropped into the post using the Insert Image icon. Then clicked on image and re-sized by dragging the corner (all standard stuff), and then edited to add this comment.


                                                    duncan webster 1

                                                      I must say I’m having no difficulty on my Android phone, it’s fast, keeps me logged in. Not tried the PC of late

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