this is the worst site possible


this is the worst site possible

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions this is the worst site possible

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  • #703092

      Bill, I can get the Lego blocks when properly logged in.

      1. Clear Cookies for this site only (Linux Mint 21 & Firefox)
      2. Login get the green error cleared message
      3. Go to Forums and get following list
      4. forum
      5. Click on latest post ie the top 28 December 2023 at 13:27 and then get the Lego

      I don’t believe that user or the message exists but it is somehow locked in. Going to other locations seems to work OK at present.



        Nina was spam and that post has been binned so could explain the Lego.


          Indeed, system probably needs to catch up on it’s house-keeping. Although WordPress isn’t the best for that.


          Michael Gilligan
            On Ian P Said:
            On Michael Gilligan Said:

            Which version of iOS do you have on that iPad, Ian ?



            It tells me ‘your software is up to date’


            This might be worth a look: https:

            The hardware will be limiting the latest version of iOS/iPadOS that can be installed

            my iPad Pro 9.7” is now frozen on 16.7.4 and my original iPad was frozen on 5.1.1

            the ‘phone managed the 17.2.1 update, but I don’t know if it will handle 18.n.n when that arrives.

            … such is “progress”



            Harry Wilkes

              Bill thanks for the tip but the whole thing was unreal I didn’t knowingly follow a bookmark definitely not a search engine it didn’t matter what discussion I tried to click on the logo page came up. Later in the day I retried and got in OK only to find it wouldn’t let me add an image so I tried posting the image separately it let me to a point but then got a pop saying the file was either in wrong format or to large. The file was png so I changed it to jpeg it then went OK This forum is like walking in crab pools on the beach you just don’t know what’s going to bite you next

              Happy New Year everyone



                Same old login problem this morning despite Andy hoping it was fixed. He is unlikely to look at it until at least Thursday now.

                Nicholas Farr

                  Hi JasonB, logged in on my first attempt today, without any issue at all. So removing this site from the “Don’t Clear List” as I explained yesterday, seems to be working for me.

                  Regards Nick.


                    Though that is hardly the point as a member should remain logged in and not have to log in every time they switch on their device.

                    Nicholas Farr

                      Hi JasonB, not something I’ve ever done or wish to do.

                      Regards Nick.

                      Michael Gilligan

                        Found a little more on the ipad issue, for IanP


                        Note: I have NO experience of it, but the software linked in that discussion looks like it may be useful to some.


                        Graham Meek

                          Peak 4,

                          Thank you for posting how to clear the individual cookies on Chrome.

                          I have been using the 24 hour “Chrome” clearance to gain access to the site, but it was not without its problems.

                          When I used your suggestion I found there were 14 Model Engineer cookies. Clearing these allowed direct access to the forum with no fiddling around with having to refresh the page.

                          I also note the Blue Icon has disappeared again, or is that to do with the site?




                          Ian P
                            On Michael Gilligan Said:

                            Found a little more on the ipad issue, for IanP


                            Note: I have NO experience of it, but the software linked in that discussion looks like it may be useful to some.


                            Thanks Michael, I looked at the links but today discovered another complication that really puts a lid on the iPad matter. It has developed a hardware fault and it randomly goes into a frenzy! Left alone and not touched the iPad thinks its keyboard is being danced on by jittering monkeys. It flashes very rapidly through screen after screen of what looks like browsing history and apps.

                            I hate disposing of things but the designed obsolescence of this Apple device renders it valueless in practical or monetary terms.

                            Ian P

                            Michael Gilligan

                              Shades of HAL in Kubrick’s 2001, Ian !



                                Even adverts about adverts now!



                                  Have logged in at last. I have been watching over the last couple of weeks to see how the updates have been going. I saw nothing that would tempt me back until today. BUT been trying to login several times today. Got kicked off a couple of times. Then the forum kept coming up wrong password. No idea why as the password is remembered in windows.  Had to try several times to get a new password but am now logged in. Hopefully it remembers me this time.

                                  Still got the stupid captcha icon & consent preferences on the page though

                                  Ian P

                                    I must be imagining things, but I am fairly sure the CookieYes icon was not present at the weekend

                                    So it lts back now although it does now remember my choices

                                    Ian P

                                    Harry Wilkes
                                      On Oldiron Said:

                                      Have logged in at last. I have been watching over the last couple of weeks to see how the updates have been going. I saw nothing that would tempt me back until today. BUT been trying to login several times today. Got kicked off a couple of times. Then the forum kept coming up wrong password. No idea why as the password is remembered in windows.  Had to try several times to get a new password but am now logged in. Hopefully it remembers me this time.

                                      Still got the stupid captcha icon & consent preferences on the page though

                                      Hi Oldiron as you can see not much has changed, for a couple of weeks I was unable to post or leave a comment but thats to a degree fixed but i still get so many silly things happen take yesterday would let me add image then it did only to say it was the wrong format or to large a file it was neither changed the file type from png to jpeg and it let me post the image (when I say it I refer to the software)



                                        Login problem is back for me this morning. Probably tied in to the CookieYes Icon showing up again mid morning yesterday. as I was still logged in when I switched on yesterday morning.

                                        Harry I’ve also had the image format message a few times. I’ve told them but nothing done yet.


                                          Seems like Warco have listened to the members comments as we now have yet another Mortons advert at the top of the page.

                                          Ian P
                                            On JasonB Said:

                                            Seems like Warco have listened to the members comments as we now have yet another Mortons advert at the top of the page.

                                            Coffins and nails come to mind

                                            Ian P


                                              Sarik gone too, replaced by the fast changing Good Reads ad, Michael will be pleased

                                              noel shelley

                                                Ian has said it ! Writing on the wall, we’re all doomed ! The only light at the end of the tunnel is the oncoming 9F with a full head of steam and NO brakes ! SAD but predictable ? Noel

                                                Michael Gilligan
                                                  On JasonB Said:

                                                  Sarik gone too, replaced by the fast changing Good Reads ad, Michael will be pleased

                                                  That’s the slow version, on my screen,  Jason … relatively innocuous.

                                                  and [strangely enough] I am still seeing the sarik advert.






                                                  I am a struggling to read anything other than a desperate plea in the words of that current headline advert though:

                                                  “ Subscribe & Save MEW/ME “



                                                    Sarik showing for me again now.

                                                    Like the PS but other recent threads seem to show subscribers going away. Repairing a carpet cleaner in latest ME won’t help that cause either.

                                                    What is your iphone showing, I got this today on Android



                                                    Michael Gilligan

                                                      I will log-in on it shortly, but for starters:







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