this is the worst site possible


this is the worst site possible

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions this is the worst site possible

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  • #702698
    Ian P
      On John Haine Said:

      Have got an Apple account?

      Yes and I have iTunes on the PC

      Ian P

      Michael Gilligan

        This might help, Ian

        … if not, just ask and I’m sure one of us can point you in the right direction.



          Hi, both my computers and my phone are on dark mode, they have to be for my eyes.

          Thanks anyway.


            As suggested yesterday I cleared the cookies from Firefox just for five minutes of joy on this forum. A remarkably silly thing to do. I lost ease of access to a lot of important websites. I have just accessed the forum through the Microsoft Edge which I never use.

            I could make many comments. But why?

            As the poet said “The pump don’t work because the vandals took the handle”. So I will be drinking Burgundy until this hiatus is will and truly cleared.


              On JA Said:

              As suggested yesterday I cleared the cookies from Firefox just for five minutes of joy on this forum. A remarkably silly thing to do. I lost ease of access to a lot of important websites. I have just accessed the forum through the Microsoft Edge which I never use.

              I could make many comments. But why?

              As the poet said “The pump don’t work because the vandals took the handle”. So I will be drinking Burgundy until this hiatus is will and truly cleared.


              Unfortunately a bit late for you now, but for future reference, you can just delete the cookies from a single site in Firefox (and probably most other browsers)
              Top right, select settings, then from the left hand side, Privacy & Security, scroll down to Cookies & Site Date, then Manage Data; N.B. Not Clear data.
              From there index on the first column and just delete the cookies from the required site



              Mark Rand

                Having used the Internet from the days when you had to compile gcc (24 hours) with the (limited) installed C compiler. Then  glib C (24 more hours) with  gcc. Then X (yet another 24 hours). Then compile Mosaic (another, further 24 hours), then use as the (only) search engine, I can’t be bothered about the odd second or five when loading a web page.

                PS:- All times relevant to Sun 360 and Hewlett Packard 320 computers.


                We’re really quite spoiled about what we can do on the Interwebs these days. Just think back to the times when one sent a postcard to a supplier that one had read about in ME, requesting a catalogue! 😀

                Peter Greene

                  Don’t really get your point, Mark. It’s simple progress which goes on in all walks of life. We are not “quite spoiled”.

                  David Ambrose

                    If you click on the annoying Warco pop up ad it still doesn’t work (on my iPad).  I hope they are not paying for it.

                    duncan webster 1

                      Warco works on my Android phone, rather too well with my clumsy fingers.

                        On Ian P Said:
                        On Maurice Taylor Said:

                        Hi, I can read those on my 12 year old iPad and my new iPad . The one I read was from 20 December.


                        I have a 12 year old iPad (iPad 2, 64GB) which I was given as a birthday present. Its not been touched for 4 years and I would like to make some use of it but I cannot find any way to download apps from the App store. How do you manage with yours?

                        Ian P

                        You will be lucky!

                        I doubt you will be able to load any app now as your OS is too far out of date and cannot be updated.

                        It is now just a web browser + any existing apps you have that still work.

                        Welcome to the world of Apple.

                        I too have an old Ipad and an 11 year old IMac, the IMac now runs Windows 11.

                        I won’t be going back to MacOs.

                        Ian P

                          Howi, Said

                          You will be lucky!

                          Which is why I asked how Maurice used his 12 year old iPad. My present understanding its that its only use nowadays is as an ornament (I did a factory reset so dont have any of my old apps on it).

                          Ian P

                          Michael Gilligan

                            Which version of iOS do you have on that iPad, Ian ?


                            Michael Gilligan

                              Just to add to the pool of evidence:


                              I logged-in, easily and quickly, this morning whilst out for my walk in the rain. … using DuckDuckGo on an iPhone



                                Your Honour following my learned friend’s recent disclosure above I just logged out and tried to get back in.

                                At least there is a message there now saying there are problems which there indeed are as I was once again in the loop not knowing if I was in or out and had to again resort to logging in via WordPress.

                                So on that evidence I would say it is still Fooked.

                                As I said early on it does not look like Darren has been able to sort it so will have to wait for Andy to return on Wednesday as it was obviously not thought urgent enough to call him in from stand by. They have not even bothered to lift the “accidental” ban on pour old Frances yet which is a couple of clicks for those with the access level.

                                Harry Wilkes

                                  Made several attempts to get on the forum this morning but was unable to thought I was on the lego forum attempted to post screen shot but was unable to ‘load image’


                                  Harry Wilkes


                                    Its now let me post image


                                    Ian P
                                      On Michael Gilligan Said:

                                      Which version of iOS do you have on that iPad, Ian ?



                                      It tells me ‘your software is up to date’

                                      I am a very not an Apple person (also just recently gone off HP printers too)

                                      Ian P

                                      P.S. Actually it is only one HP printer and it may be that other low cost all-in-one’s from other manufacturers have similar features, restrictions and tie-in’s so that its not quite as multifunctional as I would expect.


                                        On JasonB Said:

                                        Your Honour following my learned friend’s recent disclosure above I just logged out and tried to get back in.

                                        At least there is a message there now saying there are problems which there indeed are as I was once again in the loop not knowing if I was in or out and had to again resort to logging in via WordPress.

                                        So on that evidence I would say it is still Fooked.

                                        As I said early on it does not look like Darren has been able to sort it so will have to wait for Andy to return on Wednesday as it was obviously not thought urgent enough to call him in from stand by. They have not even bothered to lift the “accidental” ban on pour old Frances yet which is a couple of clicks for those with the access level.

                                        Jason, just been having a play with this; sorry for lots of screenshots, but it might help other users to see what log-in state they are in;

                                        I normally use Opera, so logged out, and back in again. This led me into the endless loop.
                                        Note that the notice is pale green claiming it’s cured, whereas the previous warning was red.
                                        Also note that this is the very first screen after hitting the log-in link, and that there is nowhere to enter a user name or password; it jumps straight here, so you’re not really logged in.

                                        Login False Opera

                                        Next I opened a different browser, Pale Moon in this case, and pressed the log-in link
                                        This time, I got the opportunity to supply my credentials, and was able to log in successfully.

                                        Login-Pale Moon

                                        Now back to Opera, where I was stuck in the endless loop, as per the first screenshot; Follow the advice in the green box, and clear Opera’s cookies.
                                        N.B. Only clear the cookies for this site, not all browser cookies.
                                        I replied to an earlier post on this about Firefox cookies, but this screenshot is specific to Opera; other browsers will have a similar setting.

                                        Login Opera Cookies

                                        I repeat again, only clear cookies for this site.
                                        Having done so, I then refreshed my log-in on Opera, and received the correct log-in screen to enter password etc.

                                        Login Opera Pass


                                        As you can see, I’m now back in and posting this reply from Opera browser, so clearing this site’s cookies cured the problem.
                                        All is sweetness and light
                                        Happy New Year



                                          Next post for Firefox cookies
                                          From top right, navigate to Settings as per this screenshot



                                          N.B. Open Manage Data NOT Clear Data

                                          Index on Site, Find this site’s URL and Remove Selected NOT Remove All Save Changess



                                          Hopefully you will now be able to log in again, without losing all your other cookies.



                                            Just a bit more fettling and she’ll run like a nut

                                            The various monster banners when you first arrive are kinda irritating though

                                            At least we can all get together and have a good moan now, so things are definitely improving


                                              It was still the red notice when I posted earlier, still did not get in with the green until I deleted ME cookies but then got in.

                                              Tony Pratt 1
                                                On Ady1 Said:

                                                Just a bit more fettling and she’ll run like a nut

                                                Oh that did make me chuckle! 🙂




                                                  To Clear this site’s cookies from Chrome; This is at your own risk, but it works for me

                                                  Top Right, Settings, Privacy & Security, Third Party Cookies.
                                                  N.B. Do Not select Clear Browsing Data


                                                  See All Site Data & Permissions

                                                  image_2023-12-31_143329603 Find this site, but Do Not Delete all Data, just bin this site





                                                    To Clear this site’s cookies from Microsoft Edge; at your own risk, this works for me

                                                    Top Right, Settings, Cookies & Site Permissions, N.B. Not Privacy, Search & Services
                                                    Cookies & Data Stored, See All Cookies and Site Data


                                                    N/B. Do Not “Remove All”, just bin this site



                                                      On Harry Wilkes Said:


                                                      Its now let me post image


                                                      Henry, I believe that is where you arrive if you follow a bookmarked, or search engine , link to the old forum.


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