this is the worst site possible


this is the worst site possible

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions this is the worst site possible

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  • #708069
    Paul Lousick

      Like most members, I had found the new forum extremely s l o w.  Today, I found the site layout had changed slightly and is running much faster.

      Keep up with the improvements.

      Swarf Maker

        And for me, the site layout has changed and the responsivity has become slower!

        Peter Greene

          Would it help if people noted their setup along with these comments, such as:

          – desktop/ipad/phone/

          – windows/linux/mac/apple/android

          – anything else?

          Michael Gilligan

            I welcome the colourful new row of buttons 

            They are a better shape, and [therefore] the text is more legible

            Given that small but effective improvement, it would be helpful if their presentation was consistent …

            The first instance on this page shows

            [New Replies] [Report Bug] [Help/FAQs]

            The second instance shows

            [Latest Replies] [Report Bug] [Code of Conduct] [Help & FAQs]


            Come-on chaps ! … for the sake of Ergonomics, this should be a consistent set, not a ‘spot the difference’ game.

            … It only requires putting the same line of code in two places.


            { iPad Pro 9.7” running iPadOS 16 }

            Ian P
              On Peter Greene Said:

              Would it help if people noted their setup along with these comments, such as:

              – desktop/ipad/phone/

              – windows/linux/mac/apple/android

              – anything else?

              Absolutely that would be useful information IN A BUG REPORT, but a waste of time and effort to put it a posting or reply in the forum topics.

              Since we now have a means of addressing any forum problems to the admin staff directly then I suggest we no longer need to air our comments or complaints in the various threads.

              Ideally when creating a bug report the form should prompt the user to enter details of their system (or automatically harvest it).

              Ian P

              Michael Gilligan
                On Ian P Said:
                … Since we now have a means of addressing any forum problems to the admin staff <strong style=”font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>directly then I suggest we no longer need to air our comments or complaints in the various threads.

                That’s a big leap of faith, Ian

                … there is often a lot of ‘chat’ involved before something is definable/reportable as a ‘Bug’



                P.S. __ Do you plan to report the little formatting problem that has appeared in the course of my quoting your post ?


                { iPad Pro 9.7” running iPadOS 16 }


                  There seems little point in fixing minor software bugs and tweaking the appearance when the underlying software is, in my opinion, fundamentally flawed. WordPress may run the fairly static header pages and the few permanent articles without problem but it was never really designed to run a large forum. Not sure that the bug report will cope with “Start Again!”


                  Mike Hurley

                    To be fair, I’ve found the site now runs without issue. Reponds well and essentially does the job it should do as far as I am concerned. Recently added a classified ad without problem and the reponse system (messages) has worked faultlessly. Slowly getting use to the different ‘visual’ side of things, but to be honest as I get older I just tend to accept that everything is always changing, (sometimes change for change’s sake) and just shrug it off and get on with it..

                    (Windows 11 laptop, Android v13 phone)


                    Ian P
                      On Michael Gilligan Said:
                      On Ian P Said:
                      … Since we now have a means of addressing any forum problems to the admin staff <strong style=”font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>directly then I suggest we no longer need to air our comments or complaints in the various threads.

                      That’s a big leap of faith, Ian

                      … there is often a lot of ‘chat’ involved before something is definable/reportable as a ‘Bug’



                      P.S. __ Do you plan to report the little formatting problem that has appeared in the course of my quoting your post ?


                      { iPad Pro 9.7” running iPadOS 16 }

                      Not quoting properly is another feature of the editor (the text loses the formatting) I consider as something needing attention, but it may be that this what the designer intended.

                      Over recent weeks a large percentage of forum traffic has revolved just around its problems, my thinking was that if we did not spend so much time regurgitating the same issues, it might free up productive workshop time. I know we are not forced to discuss forum problems, but in the cold weather its the easy option.

                      Ian P



                      Michael Gilligan

                        Although the conversion to Italic, etc. is obviously ‘by design’ … I really doubt that that quoting a stray line of html can be anything other than an error:

                        <strong style=”font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>


                        Peter Greene
                          On Ian P Said:
                          On Peter Greene Said:

                          Would it help if people noted their setup along with these comments, such as:

                          – desktop/ipad/phone/

                          – windows/linux/mac/apple/android

                          – anything else?

                          Absolutely that would be useful information IN A BUG REPORT, but a waste of time and effort to put it a posting or reply in the forum topics.

                          I only meant it with regard to threads such as this one – which amounts to bug reporting – not universally to all threads. If we now have a direct method of sending bug reports, then that of course is a place for user-setup details.

                          That said, I really can’t imagine that bug-reporting comments in this and other similar threads are going to cease.

                          Desktop-Win8.1-Firefox-1GB/s internet

                            ..just been trying to browse Sarik’s site, and it’s actually quite pleasant to return here..

                            Chris Mate

                              New forum THE VIEWS COLUMN not there anymore-? Voices-?

                              Michael Gilligan
                                On Chris Mate Said:

                                … Voices-?

                                Brummie pronunciation of Vices



                                Michael Gilligan
                                  On Diogenes Said:

                                  ..just been trying to browse Sarik’s site […]

                                  Sarik’s page layout, in landscape format, is a bit unfortunate:


                                  IMG_9301[ screenshot zoomed and cropped, for clarity ^^^ ]



                                    yes, that. ..and drop-downs & menu ‘stuff’ that extend themselves in a most intrusive way when you stumble into the general vicinity..

                                    It’s hard to browse with a view to gaining inspiration for ‘something to build’ – there’s a sense that the plans are there for those who already know they want ’em.. ..which is fair enough, I guess..

                                    It strikes me that ‘model’ plan sites can often be a bit lacking in description – AFAIAA, there isn’t anything that compares with say, Wilding / Cobb’s rather useful ‘articles’ concerning clocks..

                                    Chris Mate
                                      On Michael Gilligan Said:
                                      On Chris Mate Said:

                                      … Voices-?

                                      Brummie pronunciation of Vices



                                      I meant the forum columns used:Copied from forum. Theres nothing about “Views”.
                                      Voices……(Must it be views-?)
                                      Last Post

                                      Michael Gilligan

                                        Yes, I know that, Chris

                                        … I was just being funny [as opposed to just being rhetorical]

                                        But, as you evidently haven’t worked it out:

                                        The Forums have Topics, and the Topics have Participants … and each Participant can be considered as a Voice

                                        Voices is a conveniently shorter word than Participants, and useable space on these pages is so confined that it’s presumably useful to save a few characters of text, to prevent overcrowding.



                                        So far as I recall ‘Views’ have never been shown on the new Forum

                                        … interesting  as that number might be.

                                        Chris Mate
                                          On Michael Gilligan Said:

                                          Yes, I know that, Chris

                                          … I was just being funny [as opposed to just being rhetorical]

                                          But, as you evidently haven’t worked it out:

                                          The Forums have Topics, and the Topics have Participants … and each Participant can be considered as a Voice

                                          Voices is a conveniently shorter word than Participants, and useable space on these pages is so confined that it’s presumably useful to save a few characters of text, to prevent overcrowding.



                                          So far as I recall ‘Views’ have never been shown on the new Forum

                                          … interesting  as that number might be.

                                          Yes, I promise you I understand fully more than you think, however I tried a speling mistake to see if any reasoning of some sort came forward, indeed I understand the EU operational fully.

                                          Michael Gilligan

                                            You’ve lost me completely with that closing remark, Chris

                                            I have given you what I believe to be the reasonable explanation, and can offer no more.



                                            Important Edit: __ Sorry, Chris … I’ve just realised that I missed a trick 🙁

                                            All forum members are now called Participants [whether they actively participate, or not] …. Therefore, for the count in question ‘Participants’ would be the wrong word, so that must be why the ones that are actively contributing to a topic need to be identified as ‘Voices’


                                              God knows how many times I have tried to log in over the last few weeks and got the message  “password incorrect”  Even after changing password I was still getting same message. So I will stay logged in now. Have managed to make a few comments this week.

                                              Now look at this screen shot. How much room does the forum need on a page ?  Looks to be about half. Not good on a mobile device. Even on my 32″ monitor its a pain in the axxx.  How many “subscribe” reminders does a person need ?


                                              Screenshot 2024-02-02 14.02.28

                                              Colin Heseltine

                                                I posted in the What Did You Do Today thread yesterday evening following Chris Mates posting.  It was concerning a Stepper dividing head for a Cowell machine.  Can anyone see this post, because I certainly cannot.



                                                Harry Wilkes

                                                  Hi Colin I cannot see it neither


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