this is the worst site possible


this is the worst site possible

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions this is the worst site possible

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  • #705321
    Frances IoM
      On Peter Greene Said:
      You mean change an OP’s thread title to suit a hijack?
      I sure hope that doesn’t catch on.
      well the OP was blocked for 10days for posting it!


      Peter Greene

        Frances, blocking you but allowing the thread to continue seems contradictory to me … and seems to illustrate your point.

        Harry Wilkes


          MOD EDIT. This was flagged for moderation as system need 70% text in a reply


            Michael, your converted image in this thread still not showing for me.

              On Peter Greene Said:

              Frances, blocking you but allowing the thread to continue seems contradictory to me … and seems to illustrate your point.

              The block was unintentional, another moderator was trying to delete the post and also blocked Frances in the process.

              I reinstated the post as soon as I saw it as I did not feel she had said anything that had not already been said elsewhere and even had the courtesy to not fully spell out the last word. I can no longer unblock a member so had to wait for admins return from xmas break.


                Friday the log in problem was said to be fixed. On Saturday it came up as it should with me being kept logged in from the day before.

                This morning back to being logged out, click “log In” and don’t get taken to log in page but the forums or profile page and I’m not actually logged in. Cleared cookies again to get in.

                Michael Gilligan
                  On JasonB Said:

                  Michael, your converted image in this thread still not showing for me.


                  Then perhaps the forum software doesn’t like me

                  If that’s the case … I can assure you the feeling is mutual.


                  Harry Wilkes

                    After my post last night when to Moderation I could not post any further comment each time I tried my post just disappeared maybe this one will too


                    Michael Gilligan

                      It’s looking good, Harry


                      Michael Gilligan
                        On Michael Gilligan Said:
                        On JasonB Said:

                        Michael, your converted image in this thread still not showing for me.


                        Then perhaps the forum software doesn’t like me

                        Thinking about that a little further, I wonder if my png images are ‘backed-up in a queue’ somewhere in the system … so the jpeg is sitting behind them, awaiting its turn to get posted ??

                        Bill’s patient analysis of what’s occurring might be interesting …


                          On Michael Gilligan Said ………..
                          Then perhaps the forum software doesn’t like me
                          Thinking about that a little further, I wonder if my png images are ‘backed-up in a queue’ somewhere in the system … so the jpeg is sitting behind them, awaiting its turn to get posted ??Bill’s patient analysis of what’s occurring might be interesting …

                          Thinking back, some of my first lost images were .png as my screen snipper had changed its default from .jpg for some reason and I hadn’t realised; I wrongly surmised that it was the image format that was the problem and reverted to .jpg.
                          It’s not been the case for all my missing images though; some .jpg ones have gone walkabout too, sometimes reappearing later, sometimes not.

                          On one reply my .jpg image did come up just as a place-marker, but by the time I realised, I was outside the edit time window.
                          I followed it straight on with a new post using exactly the same image, which was still stored on my clipboard; it displayed correctly and immediately.
                          Some time later the original image appeared in the initial post where the place-marker had been.

                          From that I don’t think it’s the image, or its format, which is the issue, as it would show each time.
                          Rather it’s a glitch sometimes/somewhere whilst it’s being submitted, or maybe when converted from png to jpg, or the .jpg re-sampled.
                          I believe png isn’t a lossy format, jpgs are, but both will still need re-sampling for forum storage/display down to 96dpi. This is separate to the maximum pixel width, so a 200 pixel wide image won’t need changing width wise, but will still need reducing to 96dpi.
                          What I haven’t yet tried is uploading a 72dpi image to see if it’s raised/re-sampled to 96 when stored/displayed.

                          For those unsure about the differences, and I’m certainly no expert, there’s plenty of info on the web; this article compares png, jpg, & jpeg

                          Edit, obviously the above text doesn’t contain any images to process, but still takes quite some time to submit after the button is pressed.
                          I still wonder if that delay isn’t due to posting time, but is caused by re-compiling the “Latest Replies” list, which recompiles with every screen refresh.


                          Harry Wilkes

                            Just trying a couple of file types

                            bcls_logo_new colourjpeg


                            bcls_logo_new colour .gif

                            swarf png

                            I can now insert the 3 allowed file types and wrap text ok



                            Peter Greene

                              If I hover my mouse pointer over those images, they all show as jpgs. So presumably whatever format you post has to wait in a queue somewhere for conversion before it’s actually posted.

                              ( or are you guys all grannies?)

                                On Harry Wilkes Said:

                                Just trying a couple of file types

                                bcls_logo_new colourjpeg


                                bcls_logo_new colour .gif

                                swarf png

                                I can now insert the 3 allowed file types and wrap text ok



                                Not trying to be awkward here, but can you wrap more than one line of text.
                                This is where I struggled.

                                Also, and it’s hard to do a screenshot of the edit/compose pane, as it’s so small, but note that the text is at the bottom of the image in preview, but at the top after submitting.
                                e.g. jpg has moved up to the top line of the photo



                                Ian P

                                  I think we can all agree by now that the editor is rubbish cr*p (as is most of the forum software). I’m not decrying anyones effort but is there any point in any of the participants spending time analysing and reporting problems until the software team have sorted out the system to a basic, usable, reliable, product?

                                  If we stop posting to the various ‘forum problem’ threads, traffic might reduce by half and maybe that in itself would speed up the software. It might also take pressure of the team.

                                  I as much as anyone else want the forum to flourish but I am beginning to wonder if bombarding the team is actually helping. Also if Mortons do look at the site statistics then they may be getting a false impression of how busy it is.

                                  Ian P

                                  Harry Wilkes

                                    Ian are suggesting we go on strike ? BILL the text of the file type has moved when I clicked the submit button the text was at the bottom right hand corner.


                                    Sorry about size of image can’t edit size when on tablet.                                                                                                                                 Used space bar to get second line of text.                                                                                                                                                         same for line 3



                                    Ian P
                                      On Harry Wilkes Said:

                                      Ian are suggesting we go on strike ? 3





                                      I never thought of that but what good idea 🙂

                                      Nothing else seems to have stirred Mortons up

                                      Ian P


                                      Neil Wyatt
                                        On Frances IoM Said:
                                        On Peter Greene Said:
                                        You mean change an OP’s thread title to suit a hijack?
                                        I sure hope that doesn’t catch on.
                                        well the OP was blocked for 10days for posting it!


                                        I have to apologise again for this (I hope you did receive my first apology via a moderator).

                                        It was my error, I did indeed try to close the thread, but the confusing moderation options (or possible a fault with them) led to me blocking you instead.

                                        Unfortunately, unblocking did not prove to be a trivial exercise.


                                        norm norton

                                          Mortons have made an abysmal job of managing this forum transfer. I am not a regular ‘chatter’ but I do (or did) make new posts on subjects and try to contribute to asked questions. Now it is all too unpleasant to navigate the inbuilt system nastiness.

                                          I am a participant in other similar technology forums (motorcycles) and all of these are a comparative pleasure to look at. I am aware of one forum that started to fail for technology reasons a few years ago and the ‘key players’ got together to set up a new forum using commercial forum systems. The users of the old forum soon learnt where the others had migrated to.


                                          Nigel Graham 2

                                            Following moderators’ and administrators’ advice to clean out the temporary file clutter on my PC certainly worked, and I’ve no great problems logging in since. It had a little wobble the other day, but I am not sure if that was its own hiccup or my error, perhaps not pressing the “Not a robot” thing.

                                            This experience could be related to other users’ different ones by making me ask if the site is very sensitive to instruments, OS and browser.

                                            However it’s now found a new way to annoy me – putting up the wretched “cookie” request every time. Why the heck has this section developed amnesia? It did not do that previously. After choosing my preferences (Functional only) a few times I now pick “Reject All”, so far without problems. I still see the ads, so our suppliers are not invisible to me.


                                              By pressing reject all it won’t save the cookie which remembers your preference hence the need to select each time.


                                              This is from a recent email and a good example of why we the Mods keep asking for Mortons to poke their heads up and post on the forum.

                                              “I have set the site Cookies to reset after each successful login for now, this means the Cookie preferences are cleared also which isn’t ideal, but I’ll turn this off in a few days so the preferences are remembered.”


                                                One for @michaelgilligan61133 which might be part of his image problem.

                                                other features of the site may not work unless cookies are accepted, such as certain image or video embedding.”


                                                  On JasonB Said:

                                                  One for @michaelgilligan61133 which might be part of his image problem.

                                                  other features of the site may not work unless cookies are accepted, such as certain image or video embedding.”


                                                  It’s not just Michael, and nor is it confined to Apple;
                                                  I have the relevant cookies enabled, but still had an image going AWOL recently
                                                  See this post et. seq.

                                                  I can’t see how cookies would remove an image that has been submitted, and subsequently viewed, after a screen refresh; surely they are primarily about the individual user experience, and shouldn’t change the view for other users.
                                                  I know the image was there after posting, as I’d checked.
                                                  Some time later, Michael couldn’t see it, and when I reviewed the topic, the photo was missing.


                                                  Michael Gilligan
                                                    On JasonB Said:

                                                    One for @michaelgilligan61133 which might be part of his image problem.

                                                    other features of the site may not work unless cookies are accepted, such as certain image or video embedding.”


                                                    Thank you for that Pearl of Wisdom, Jason

                                                    [if true, then] I can only observe that it is the Forum’s loss, not mine.

                                                    … I already have the images.



                                                    Michael Gilligan

                                                      I’ve just learned a new word __ courtesy of the Guardian, as published on Apple News, regarding a much-publicised software roll-out.

                                                      Forum etiquette would certainly frown, and asterisks don’t really do the job, so I will just leave you guessing …

                                                      – primly defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as “a very rude word for a complete failure or very serious problem in which many mistakes or problems happen at the same time”.




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