Hi All
Pandora's box is a perfect metaphor for what is happening to all media publishing. In this case the Box (Actually it was a Jar), is the internet. It is already too late to put the lid on. A Google search on "Model engineers workshop" returned 399,000 hits. using the "quotes" to limit the result. 399k is a powerful number "Model Engineer" returned 334K. Pretty impressive results when you consider that model engineering is a fairly esoteric subject to many.
However I suspect that this is only the top of the iceberg (apologies for another metaphor), There must be many more that will be found with more general searches "Metal lathe" for instance over 3 million hits. "CNC machine" 1.9 million
Clearly the internet has provided a means of communication that was unheard of when Model engineer started publishing. However it has also changed the way information retention is done forever. Once a public disclosure is made; "Publishing" a work it is in the "Aether" in a classical sense the space between the earth and heaven. Coming back to reality the data is actually located on millions of commercial servers. A couple of links that give some idea of the size of the net hardware.
We are heading for 2 billion PC's on the planet!
No I am not advocating copying others works however I do not know how you can stop it. How many of us know of kids and adults that download movies and music? or EBooks? I suspect everyone in this room would answer yes. And the downloaders are spread across the entire globe. While it is feasible, in some jurisdictions, at least those that acknowledge western international law rights, to prosecute copyright infringers that reproduce and distribute copyright works. Going after individuals is problematic.
Having been involved in design most of my life I know the effort t that goes into any work that you create. I also know the feeling you get when a product you have designed has been "Knocked Off", anyone who has been involved in manufacturing for a while knows that feeling.
So what is the answer? If only there was a simple answer? In manufacturing making a newer hopefully better product was a good ploy. That puts you ahead of the game for a while. I think there is a partial solution there. keep making or publishing new and better works. Your customers or readers are always looking for the new and will pay to get it. Old stock be it products or publications have to be depreciated very quickly.
It is too late to go back to old ways of doing business, you have to stay ahead of the game, a very overused sentence but it says it all.
Edited By John McNamara on 08/07/2014 16:02:15