Today I mounted the table. I don’t know if it has to be aligned, I’ll measure later. There are many things left to do. A few liters of oil leaked from all three oil baths while I was in vacation. The electric part is not ready. The gibs are not adjusted. I can’t find the quill locking screw. But I don’t have patience to finish everything. During all this long restoration process I was tempted a few time to order this new machine. Is not in the same class but at least it is working out of the box.

So today I decided to cut some metal. I connected the main motor directly to the VFD from the other end of the garage. I’m not going to use the power feed motor. I picked a 50mm MT4 two flute mill and a MT4 to MT5 adapter. And a small piece of 20mm thick plate. The depth of cut was between 0.5 to 3mm. The stock doesn’t have a flat surface. Here is the result.
I noticed a few things:
– there is a noise in the spindle while doing heavy cuts. The spindle is the only part that I didn’t opened so far. Or maybe the draw bar washer is ringing. I can’t tell yet.
– at some point the spindle stopped. But to my surprise the motor was still running! My first guess was that a shear pin snapped. I read somewhere that this machine has a few. I stopped the motor, changed the gear and it was running fine! I think there is a problem with this gear changing system. There is no feedback to inform you that the gears are properly aligned. So maybe the gears were engaged only 1mm or so and because of vibrations they moved a little.

– and last, I noticed that on every pass the surface is not on the same level as on the previous (I was using Y axis while cutting). I can’t explain this yet.

But overall I’m very happy with this first test. It is a pleasure to turn those heavy handwheels. And I like the sound it makes. It feels like a serious machine.