Thermalite blocks.


Thermalite blocks.

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  • #748639
    Andrew Tinsley

      I need to do some silver soldering and will be unable to use my dedicated brazing bench. I seem to remember that Thermalite blocks make a rough and ready brazing area, Is my memory correct.?

      There are some of these blocks handy at the remote location, don’t want to get there and find that the blocks are no good for the purpose.



        Yes, you can even drill and saw them to shape for holding things but make sure they are absolutely bone dry – that is usually the problem as tend to be left outside.


          If you are referring to the Thermalite aerated concrete blocks, (NOT ThermOlite compound foam board)  yes they should be ok. I have used a different brand of AAC (autoclaved aerated concrete) blocks, aka Hebel blocks, for a hearth for heat treating steel and oil blackening, involving heating the steel up to cherry red without problems.

          I was a bit surprised. I thought that not being pyrocrete etc, the blocks might snap, crackle and pop a bit with the torch played on them. But as much as I tried with my very large propane torch, I could not make it happen.

          And the aerated concrete works better as insulation than solid “firebricks” as used to line furnaces etc because the AAC does not suck up all the heat out of the torch. It actually insulates very well. Could get it glowing red with the torch on one side of the block and touch the other side with a bare hand.

          Andrew Tinsley

            Thanks Guys,

            Good to know that my memory is correct after all!



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