According to my logic Boot Sales are perhaps a big contributer to shed thefts. I haven't been to one for a couple of years now but the Wife and I got into a sort of habitual routine of plodding around boot sales.
If you are a member of the general public and decide to sell at a boot sale you will find that it doesn't take long before you are taking the dregs of your possessions back home since no one wants them. That is your junk is definately junk after all. (Usual disclaimers here apply since I'm not up to speed on this subject)
On the other hand I have seen people set up week after week and sell the same sort of items which on the face of it must be contrary to the law under the designation of boot sale. Markets are different having rent to pay and a hawkers licence to sell I think.
Then there's the times I look at an item and think… what you can't buy a decent pair of shoelaces for that money! It's very tempting but beware because if the law should happen by and tie your recent purchase into a burgalry you could be up for handling and all that emplies or at least you may loose your purchase, confiscated by the police.
Always get registration number off the van and a name and address of the vendor if possible. If Plod pays you a visit then at least you may be able to point him in the righht direction. If the seller is reluctant to comply then do us all a favour and walk away. It's also a good idea to limit the amount of money you intend to spend to how much you can afford to loose. There is no guarantee at these sales so be on your guard.
I lost a complete garage load of tools to theives and there is no doubt in my mind where they took them to get rid of them.
PS: You could always insure your stuff but it is a one way cash drain.
Edited By Jesse Hancock 1 on 13/02/2015 19:25:36