Only another small step – having made a crank handle a couple of days ago and tried to cut a 25mm x 1.5mm thread – the first time I have tried screwcutting on this lathe. I now have a very tired left arm and an appalling failure of a thread.
Bit down at the failure I reset the change wheels for fine feed and noticed that when I had removed them the key on the mandrel gear had stayed in the gear so the one I had set up for threading was only held by the pressure of the retaining screw.
While it looked ok running light, under threading pressure the gear slipped from time to time – hence the intermittent movement of the saddle and the threads that blurred into one another!
I couldn't have happened on my Drummond with pins in the gears I suspect.
Anyway, having a look through Neil's mini-lathe book I realised out of the four projects he describes I had made or bought 3 but not the end mill holder.
So todays' positive progress is 10 minutes drilling, reaming, drilling and tapping a blank end arbour in the drawer. But it all counts and it cheered me up anyway. Just waiting for the steel for the drawbar.
Edited By Nick Clarke 3 on 28/05/2020 15:53:24