Since I finished work at the end of March, and as we are in lockdown I thought it was time to get some of the un- started projects on the go. I've had the castings for these for some time but house moves, work and old motorcycles got in the way.
The Kennet is almost finished I'm waiting on a couple of deliveries to complete, some welding gas so the wheel guard can be fabricated, and a new motor capacitor as the old one is very badly dented, now I've left work there's no more access to the lovely Clarkson, so thought I'd better get my finger out.
The Myford saddle stop is something that's been on the list for ages been very useful in making the smaller parts for the others it's fabricated from odd bits that were to hand, the rear toolpost is GHT's design for the short Myford crosslide (ML7- R) and the Keats angle plate from College Engineering supplies. The rear toolpost still needs slotting for the parting tool, but nearly there.
Thought I'd put these on as I'm always interested in what everyone else is making, there are some great projects underway on this site.
Edited By Dave Wootton on 01/05/2020 18:08:32