Did a bit more on the vertical cross, drilled & tapped entablature for bearing stands, fitted square pillar bases, found I didn't have long enough M4 fasteners to go through base into pillars so decided to redrill for M5 x 50 shcs which I had. Assembled & checked for operation… B****r me if the piston isn't bottoming in the cylinder…'oh dear me' says I, or words to that effect.
Stripped it all apart & checked all part dimensions… found the cross head o/all length out by 2 mm fortunately I could machine off he excess from where the piston rod locknut abuts to the cross head, sorted methinks… nooo! still bottoms out, what the dickens is going on I thinks… another strip down, checked again working from base to top, piston rod correct length, crank correct length, crosshead now corrected, pillars correct length etc. etc
Sat there with the old grey matter burning, twiddling with the crankshaft asking myself what the ' fffflip' was going on…I was only twiddling with the problem in front of me wasn't I !, I checked the centre height of the crankshaft against the drawing… I'd only gone & misread the drawing & ended up making the bearing stands centre height 10mm too low… 'what a numb nuts you are George' I tell myself. So I was left with a dilemma, do I make another pair or find another solution. I didn't fancy going through making another pair so opted to make some 10mm packers & solder/ glue/ Loctite them to the bearing stands…sorted, for now!. Just goes to prove the old adage… Measure twice, nay peasants thrice I say, & cut once. Had enough by that time so cleaned up & called it a day…