Milled the top and bottom faces of the milling machine raising block flat and parallel today. I did it on a rotary table to avoid any embarrassing steps caused by having to move the 14" diameter raising block to machine it in several passes on the 10" milling machine table. Probably an idiot thing to do, but it was quite relaxing turning the (extended) handle for several hours. Of course, because I was using the RT, even with the brake on, there was too much play to use a shell mill, so it was nibbled away with a 12mm endmill!
First I flattened a bit of precious ally plate, you can (sort of) make out the extended RT handle here:-

Then I clamped the raising block onto the ally plate:-

Finally, I whittled it flat:-

On the first side, there was a part of the circle that rang a little bit, due to the not-flat surface not being tight against the ally plate at that point. When I flipped it over and did the other side, it sat without any rocking and milled nice and evenly.
Next operation is to clamp it to the table, then face and bore the round bits at the end of the 'ears' so I can fit brackets to them. All in all a happy day's work.