I've got a bit of woodspoiling to do in making a housing for the dust extractor and a secondary filter, so I converted the bench back from welding mode to woodspoiling mode. This involves unbolting and lifting off the 5' by 20" by 8mm plate that overhangs the front of the bench (so I can sit on a chair with my legs tucked under while TIG welding), cleaning everything up and then bolting the chipboard+formica top back on the bench.
After that, for no sensible reason, I decided that all of my woodspoiling chisels needed resharpening. To be fair, some of them have been in the family for more than 50 years and have been used as wood splitting mauls as much as joinery tools. Also, neither Father or I were all that good at sharpening chisels evenly. As a result of which, some of them need a couple of mm taking off the length to get to a flat relief…
I have cheated and set up the universal vice on the surface grinder and am starting off by putting a 25° primary angle on all of them. After that, they'll get the secondary relief, if any, added at an appropriate angle for their intended use. Thus far I've done four, with fourteen more to do, but most of the effort was with setting up and doing the first one.
I think I might also have a go at the cold chisels and brick bolsters while I'm at it.
It's a bit slow and fiddly as a grinder job, but an order of magnitude faster than a Norton stone.