After the passing of much time it seems I have the semblance of a rocking valve engine.

My cosmetic "improvements" from Ray HasBrouk's original design such as visible crankshaft bearings, a different eccentric arrangement and a different connecting rod end ganged up on me. The cumulative result is that the valve operating rod end is some 5mm outside the valve operating arm. One solution would have been to bend the rod back into line but I don't normally like to see push rods with bends in them so I made an extended link. It may stay, it may not.
What I really need to do is either stick to designer's drawings or properly think through what I'm "improving". A lesson learned.
Next steps are to arrange the plumbing and the wooden base, decide on a colour and paint it.
Edited By Jim Nic on 22/05/2018 11:53:40
Edited By Jim Nic on 22/05/2018 11:55:47