Having discovered that my two second-hand Chinee milling vices were 100 thou different in height, I spent a day correcting them. While I was at it, I replaced the grooved, non-round,soft-cheese pull-down hemisphere (only one, the other was missing) with 5/8" bearing balls that had a flat turned on them in the lathe. Then I milled the angled face that said hemisphere slides on so it was flat, rather than corrugated.
After putting them back together I finished milling the edges of the 500x210x10mm plates that are going to be the collet draws in my HLV cabinet.
I wouldn't have noticed or even thought about the vices being different heights if I hadn't been holding the aluminium plates vertically, supported by both vices. Bit easy to spot when you have the three plates on the bench on top of each other to measure them for the final cut and notice that the edges don't line up
Edited By Mark Rand on 13/01/2018 22:02:25