Hi, this evening I skimmed the bolt head faces on my traveling steady, but just as I had thought, I had to stop the steady from twisting when the tool started to cut, even with a fairly light cut. So it was reset and a clamping bar was fixed against the side at the bottom.
When this face was skimmed, the clamps at the bottom were rearranged so that the other face could be done.
After both faces were done, the steady was set up in a vice upside down and the two bolt holes were drilled.
After drilling the holes, a 0.5mm deep relief 25mm wide was milled midway between the holes, this helps to ensure that there is a good contact on the lathe saddle at the bolt hole locations.
I next fitted the steady to the lathe saddle without any issues and the area that I intended to line up with the mandrel axis, does so very well.
Regards Nick.
Edited By Nicholas Farr on 08/04/2016 21:16:14