After months of stumblings, I've finally done something constructive enough to post on here!
Following advice in another thread, I've invested in a sine bar to check the angle of my prism. A back of the spreadsheet calculation showed that the height needed to be 104.03mm.
So I've milled, filed and scraped a piece of steel to be 104.03 mm as the riser for the sine bar. That is assuming my height gauge is accurate, which I can't check.
Actually, the top varies by +0.01 / -0.02 mm or so, but for something made with my own fair hands I regard this as the ultimate in precision! That would put the angle out by something like 2% of a degree. Far better than I can work to!
Next step is to actually check and correct the angle. Well next but one; I'm still working on getting the base flat. I currently on scrape 180 and counting. I expect I'm doing something wrong for it to take so much work, but no doubt I'll get there!
Next time I try something like this I'll try and find a bit of cast. scraping mild steel is rather more difficult.