So, this weekend I finally re-assembled my CMD10 micro mill after a few months of fumbling attempts to tune it up.
I've spent about 60 hours scraping the ways.(and not the table ways at that), which amounts to around one hour per square centimetre. I reckon I've spent 40 of those hours making it worse, but I'm not sure which hours were making it worse and which improving!
I've sanded the dovetails. Now before I get surprised gasps from the professionals (and amateurs), this was under the recommendation of Ketan. I had a mate make up a 55 degree wedge in wood (I've no woodworking tools of any precision) and used that to attempt to true up the dovetails with a bit of 120 wet and dry.
I actually think that this was the most productive thing I've done – and by far the quickest!. I've also re-drilled the jib screws up by .1/.2 mm as the jib strip was only just touching the bottom of the table. The Y axis seems better, though more on that later.
I've also tried to straighten the jibs and attempted to lap them a bit flatter. I don't think I've managed it as well as I could.
Is the work finished? No. But I was really bored and felt I out to try and make something!
Actually, the mill is producing somewhat better results. My crop circles (see my other post in beginners questions) are much diminished and I've had a go with a fly cutter which has produced mainly decent results (at an estimated 2.5 inch diameter, 300 rpm and .1mm / sec – not practical without my CNC conversion! DOC about .2mm – much more than that and the motor will stall).
The Y axis still sticks a bit but much less so. towards the limit of it's travel there's a lot of flex, but if I tighten up the jib screws it locks up slightly further in. Similarly the X movement has some rough spots particularly near the ends.
The tramming is still by a few though and the table is still higher at the back by about .1 mm. The fly cutter may come into it's own here!
expect my next attempt will involve making a proper 55 degree wedge in cast iron and having another go at the dovetails which I think are the main offenders. Possibly also making new jibs or trying to lap the existing ones a bit more.
Bizarrely, I've quite enjoyed this and am seriously considering attempting a Whitworth plate. Though I should really make something first or Madam will wonder what I'm doing out there.