3 February 2025 at 16:47 Paul L Said:
2 February 2025 at 13:27 Paul L Said:
I agree Nigel.
The current AI models only know what they have been taught. ChatGPT 4 (the current public one) stoped its training last July, I believe. …
GPT 4.0 stopped learning (training) in Sept. 21,
I have just asked the latest ChatGPT app for the 47th president of the US.
It answered correctly and added a few paragraphs about his recent actions, scraped from Wikipedia.org, theguardian.org, reuters.com, and a few other sources.
So, is it still learning?
I asked it and it said that its training data currently has a cut off in mid 2024 but that it can access fresh info when needed although it only remembers that within a conversation.
I got this yesterday.
I’m based on the GPT-4 model! How can I assist you today?
You said:
who is the 47th president of the USA
ChatGPT said:
As of now, the 47th president of the United States has not yet taken office. The current president is Joe Biden, who is the 46th president. The 47th president will be determined by the next presidential election, which is set for November 2024.
You said:
when did you stop learning?
ChatGPT said:
I don’t actually learn or update in real-time. My training data includes information up until September 2021, so I’m not able to learn from new events or conversations beyond that point. I can provide insights based on what I know up until then, but I don’t have the ability to adapt or learn from new data after that. Does that help clarify things?…
It’s wrong to imagine AI is a single entity that once rolled out can’t be improved on. Very little stands the test of time, apart from the 1948 Super 7!
AI’s an immature technology that’s being rolled out and tested in steps. It learns, is tested, shortcomings are found, the hardware and software is revised, and then the AI model is redeployed in more advanced form.
ChatGPT was launched in 2022 to test how well it chatted with humans. Fairly impressive, with many flaws. Don’t mistake ChatGPT 2022 for the end game. Hardware and software are both being improved across the whole sector, an industry now worth trillions.
OpenAI’s current engine is CHT-4o. It stopped learning in 2024 after adding two years more knowledge and additional capability. Although CHT-4o also recently stopped importing base data it read the web. More significantly, its replacement is on the way. AI progresses in jumps because the technology is immature. But like Watt’s steam engine and electricity, the genii is out of the bottle.
OpenAI is well-known mostly because CHATGpt is free! There are many alternatives, all burgeoning ahead, and it is these that are the greatest threat to jobs.
New technology is always disparaged by the old-brigade. In their day steam, railways, electricity, telegraphy, telephony, radio, TV, computers, and the internet were all rubbished! As the Spanish proverb has it “All new things are bad!” Trouble is believe that and you’ll believe anything. Change is remorseless, even if we’re all dead against it…
We live in interesting times! AI is another major breakthrough technology. It’s in the same category as steam, railways, internal combustion, electricity, telegraphy, wireless, digital computing, and the internet.