Re losing your post this has happened to me more than once when I have taken too long to submit it.
I posted this workaround earlier in another thread and it is something that I use now if my entry is likely to be long or will take time to compile. Typing skills not too slow but brain takes time to marshall my ideas in a logical format
. Must be my advancing years
What I do now is wait until I’ve finished the entry and before submitting it to the forum and with the cursor still in the posting:-
‘Right Click’ on the mouse and when the menu comes up
‘Left Click’ on the menu ‘Select All’ at this stage all of your text should be highlighted, (mine screen comes up with white writing on a blue background).
Then ‘Right Click’ mouse again and on the menu ‘Left Click’ on the menu ‘Copy’, I then ‘Left Click’ anywhere in the ‘Post’ to return the text to normal and submit the post.
Then if you do lose your first post all you need do is to open another ‘Post a Reply’ box and ‘Right Click’ to get menu and then ‘Left Click’ on ‘Paste’ and your post should appear. Quickly, well fairly, submit to forum.
Hope this helps and a quick question to the moderator “IS ANYBODY LOOKING AT CURING THIS FAULT”