The story behind logging in…


The story behind logging in…

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  • #52104
    Gone Away
      Posted by Terryd on 24/05/2010 17:55:31:
       In this respect this forum software is one of the most primitive I have encountered.
      A small point perhaps, but could someone check to see whether there is an English dictionary available for the software (as opposed to American)?
      David Clark 13
        Hi There
        I am glad you liked the Practical Engineer articles.
        I used to do The Practical Engineer, Introduction to CNC and The Editor’s Page in ME but kept getting complaints they were to hard to understand.
        I could not see why as I was very careful and very thorough writing them but stopped because of the complaints.
        Perhaps I will do some more after I have got the next special out of the way.
        regards David

        Edited By David Clark 1 on 25/05/2010 07:46:25

          Hi David,
          I liked your articles a lot and had no problem with understanding your writings.  I also liked your beginners guide with the Stuart build and wish that you had kept it up.  Especially as I just bought a 10H kit and was looking forward to the guidance.
          Looks like I’ll have to work it all out myself now .
          there probably is but the software designers like as not couldn’t be bothered.  I think it was Oscar Wilde who said that the English and Americans were two nations divided by a common language 
          Best regards

          Edited By Terryd on 25/05/2010 11:42:49

          Edited By Terryd on 25/05/2010 11:43:36

          John Olsen

            Hi Guys,

            Well, I have been using forums of various sorts since about the early 1990’s, including some of the old dial up Bulletin boards. So this is not as bad as some I have seen. However, could somebody please do something about the timeout. It seems to take no time at all for the system to decide you should be logged out, which is annoying when you have been working on a learned and erudite post for the benefit of the other readers. (Well, I would like to think so anyway.) Ok, I am working around this by using notepad, which avoids any problems from Word, but it should not really be necessary.


            Richard Parsons


              It is not always the fault of the web site techies.  Some of the problems are caused by the interactions of the web-site, the web browser, fire walls, anti virus programs etc. In addition you can get problems with your ISP etc

              There was a problem with the cut and paste from MS word until a few weeks ago but this has been corrected. This was dictated to MS Word then ‘copy and paste was used to transfer to the website’s editor. This allows you to use all the facilities and power of MS Word (spell check etc), keep a copy and then if you need you can edit your own post.
              You can chenge and add to your post

              Edited By Richard Parsons on 04/07/2010 08:27:32

                Slightly off topic but, fpor those ot you experiencing problems with cutting and pasting from MS Word, try installing Notepad++
                This is a verycomprehensive, feature rich replacement for notepad, witho0ut the overheads of a ‘Word processor’. i.e. its output is still raw text. It is also sensitive to many scripting languages, such as xml, java vbscript etc etc.
                We use it heavily on all of our hosting servers (I work for an ISP), and find it both lightweight and user friendly.
                On a more thread based note, I have never experienced a problem logging in nor do I get the page not found type of errors.
                I do occasionally get logged out and a feature that the sys admins could incorporate is a check box on login to say ‘keep me logged in until I log out’. This could be set to expire after a ‘reasonable’ time of inactivity.
                Cutting and pasting usernames and passwords is not a practice I would recommend or condone, as, as many have said, it is so easy to introduce spurious characters.
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