I would get the holes in the ends of the two main rods early on while they are still square.
So square off the ends leaving as long as possible, centre drill one end. Then hold in teh mill vice, use an edge finder to locate the undrilled end the and zero your dro, find center across the bar and zero the other axis. Measure in half the radius which I can't quite see and drill & ream the 1/8" hole. Move down 6 9/16" then drill and ream that hole. Repeat for the other rod/
You can now hold in the 4-jaw by the little end with ctr support in teh other to turn the fish belly, then shape the ends which will remove the ctr hole.
Cross piece is basic turning, I would drill & ream a cross hole 3/16" dia and counter bore a little way 1/4", don't debur the 3/16" hole.
Big end is again turning in the 4-jaw, its not dimensioned but tahe the round part down to 1/4" to fit teh counter bore and then form a 3/16" stub on the end.
Test assemble to get the location of the big end hole, drill & ream then file or mill the rounded end.
Fit the big end to the cross piece with loctite, when dry add a pin with a bit of loctite. Then add the two long pieces again with loctite and pin when dry. don't debut the pin holes. All assembly on a flat surface. Once all the loctite has dried file off the ends of the pins and the projecting 3/16" spigot, you should hardly see the joints.
PS if you don't know how to do the fish belly ask.