OK guy's. Back on parade again now after a 'sabbatical' of decorating and tiling.
So we jump onto the long awaited PCD holes associated with the cylinder and the ends that join onto it.
I did a trial run on some scrap yesterday and this eve started with the most easily remade part if I made a dogs-danglers of it. So I first did the cylinder bottom / supporting plate.
With that done seemingly OK I next did the cylinder head. First spotting with a small center drill and then 7BA clearance holes.
I used a laser edge finder to find the center of each piece so that I could then punch the center into the DRO
7BA tapping size drill was then used on the cylinder head. – Nearly dropped a clanger as originally picked up the 7BA clearance drill. Fortunately I realised before it was too late.!
By this stage I am wondering if it will all fit.?
It does. ………….. So no four letter words were required. ( not that they would have fixed it  
So Nick goes to bed a happy-chappy tonight.