A lot of pedantry here? Anyone with a micrometer or even a digital caliper can get an accurate enough for this rule of thumb measurement.
So I did, I own Rizla Silver in the belief it’s thinner than the others. Could be wrong!
Not easy to measure accurately with a Micrometer because paper crushes, so using the ratchet I took the average of 5 measurements taken along the length of 3 folded fag papers. i.e. 6 sheets. Result in mm: 0.108, 0.097, 0.091, 0.093, 0.096. Sum: 0.485, Average thickness of 6 folded fag papers: 0.097mm
Therefore each sheet is approx: 0.0194mm, or 0.00076378″ (about ¾ of a thou). My eyeballs suggest wetting fag paper with spit or oil makes it thinner. Not confirmed.
Fag paper is a good way of positioning a cutter very close to the job, but not high precision if one is chasing tenths.