The last few times I was at MEX I was helping on a society stand so although there on two full days plus the setting-up day, still had a long weekend's camping fees. Luckily I found a basic but good enough camp-site for very reasonable cost at Harbury only a few miles away, but my round-trip from home is about 300 miles. It is just about within day-visit range for me if I attend on only one day.
I concur fully with the others who say we should support our Exhibitions.
I had also regularly visited Alexandra Palace but in groups sharing a car. Not me driving though. I could not drive in London these days, even without the "congestion tax"!
I've also visited Doncaster, once. I found navigating to the venue so difficult and fraught, even with "sat-nag", I vowed never again and prayed for a return to Harrogate.
I see our suppliers are beginning to say they will be there. CuP (I was reading its web-site yesterday), JB Cutting-tools…
So let's be there with our shopping-lists, 6" rules and the tack-welds knocked off our wallets…
I spent one of my two "days off" from the Worcestershire do in the past, in Stratford-on-Avon, but may sample Royal Leamington Spa or Coventry this time; using an intervening railway-station as a sort of "park and ride" service. (There is no station at Harbury, as far as I know.) Nor do I know if the camp-site is still operating but as many of the owner's out-of-season customers are contractors working nearby on HS2 (he told me) there is a good chance it will be.
The other day's leave from the club stand? The MMEX co-incides with the AGM and Dinner weekend of one of my caving-clubs, and in the last few occasions I had travelled back to the Meeting on the Saturday morning, but not staying for the Dinner as though I would stop overnight at the club's self-catering accommodation, that would impose a long round-trip on the Sunday; back to the show then all the way home. Whether I will again is another matter, because the caving-club and its AGM venue are on the Mendip Hills, approaching two-thirds of the way back home. And as everyone else points out, with the price of petrol now….
Besides, that weekend, my model-engineering takes priority!