Hi All,
Let me start this thread with a few comments about myself so I can explain these comments come from an unbiased opinion. In fact should they ever be noted and hopefully have some bearing on future competitions they will hamper my prospects of being succesful at imlec. I have entered many imlec’s (15) with many different loco’s finishing in a variety of positions from last to 2nd. I have enjoyed them all very much.
In the early ’90s the rules on imlec were changed meaning once a locomotive had won three times it was no longer allowed in. This was made purely as one particular locomotive and driver had won the previous three imlec’s and some feared would never be beaten. This loco and driver where beaten at last years imlec!
By 2002 at leeds entries where becoming thin on the ground with only 19 competitors at a very popular location. It had become clear that the rule had eventually hampered the competition and affected the ammount of people able to enter.
Previously in 2000 Mr Alan Crossfield, a well respected model engineer contributor and imlec supporter had come up with a happy medium to keep all in general happy. A loco/driver could win the tournament, defend the title and if succesful re-enter after 10 years. The driver could re enter with a new loco at any time. I do not remember any negative comments about this and it had the support of the model engineer editorial staff.
Over the last 10 years the rules have been continually messed around club to club and we have arrived at the current situation which to my mind (and I know I am not alone) will kill off one of the ‘premier’ weekends in the model engineer calender. There other new rules I disagree with but my main disputes are these:-
1. First come first serve is no longer considered viable, a draw must take place to decide who has entered.
I can see no justifiable reason why, the first postal applications recieved after a certian date and the advert in model engineer are not the entrants. Under the new scheme keen imlec entrants may not get in whilst someone who is half hearted will take their place. The draw also leaves little time to arrange hotels, travel ect.
2. Any previous winner driver is now no longer allowed in the competition and must enter the ‘previous winners competition’ The previous winners competition has recieved few entries over the years and de-values the Martin Evans challenge trophy. But to now say no previous winner driver can enter imlec is completely absurd. If the rules now stay as they are you will have more previous winners than imlec entrants.
Remember I make this comment as someone who has not won imlec and under these rules would have won in a previous competitions. I have also previously entered locos with little or no chance of winning, purely to support the event.
I am aware that there are a few who may not agree with me but I feel a vast majority of people who do have an interest in imlec, both competitors and spectators will.
To those who disagree I would say this:- Nothing in life worth having is easy. To win a competition you have to beat the best, not win because they where not allowed in!
I would urge model engineer to please consider abolishing the previous winners competition and return to the Leyland 2000 event rules by Alan Crossfield from next year onwards, and that these rules are sent to the future host societies so imlec can get back to being one of the best accolades and events you can be a part of in this hobby.
I would also appreciate it if the editor would be kind enough to place this in the next available magazine issue.
Paul T.